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Wintersemseter 2018/19
- Fragen? → tom.eulenfeld@uni-jena.de
Einführendes Tutorial
- Installation von Miniconda, Python, Obspy und Jupyter
- Python Tutorial mit kurzen Übungsaufgaben
- ObsPy Tutorial
0. Organisatorisches, Motivation, Einführung
1. Mathematische Grundlagen
2. Fourier-Analysis / Spektralanalyse
3. Hilbert-Transformation und analytisches Signal
4. Korrelation & Konvolution
5. Laplace-Transformation / Z-Transformation
6. Filter
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Angewandte Informatik fuer Geophysiker
Die Lehrveranstaltung gibt einen Ueberblick ueber verschiedene Programme und Software-Pakete in der Geophysik. Datenaufbereitung fuer diverse Programme wrerden mit Shell-Skripten im Verbund mit AWK und SED durchgefuehrt. Die Programme werden mit Fortran 95 erstellt. Die damit berechneten Ergebnisse werden mittels GMT visualisiert. Fuer eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse in Berichtform wird noch ein Einblick in Latex gegeben.
Termine 2015
April: 15/22/29
Mai: 6/13/20/27
Juni: 3/10/17/24
Juli: 1/8/15Vorlesungsmaterial
Full Waveform Inversion
- Afanasiev et. al, 2014, Waveform-based simulated annealing of crosshole transmission data:a semi-global method for estimating seismic anisotropy, GJI
- Arnulf et. al, 2014, Nature of upper crust beneath the Lucky Strike volcano using elastic full waveform inversion of streamer data, GJI
- Djebbi et. al, 2014, Traveltime sensitivity kernels for wave equation tomography using the unwrapped phase, GJI
- Kwak et. al, 2014, Frequency-domain direct waveform inversion based on perturbation theory, GJI
- Xu et. al, 2014, 2D frequency-domain elastic full-waveform inversion using time-domain modeling and a multistep-length gradient approach, Geophys
- Yu et. al, 2014, An application of multiscale early arrival waveform inversion to shallow seismic data, NSG
- Wang et. al, 2014, Integrated inversion using combined wave-equation tomography and full waveform inversion, GJI
- Jun et. al, 2014, Laplace-Fourier-domain elastic full-waveform inversion using time-domain modeling, Geophys
- Dagnino et. al 2014, Scale- and parameter-adaptive model-based gradient pre-conditioner for elastic full-waveform inversion, GJI
- Alkhalifah et. al, 2014, A recipe for practical full-waveform inversion in anisotropic media: An analytical parameter resolution study, Geoph
- Afanasiev et. al, 2014, Waveform-based simulated annealing of crosshole transmission data:a semi-global method for estimating seismic anisotropy, GJI
Bayesian methods
- Dettmer et. al, 2014, Trans-dimensional finite-fault inversion, GJI
- Sambridge, 2014, A Parallel Tempering algorithm for probabilistic sampling and multimodal optimization, GJI
- Dettmer et. al, 2014, Trans-dimensional finite-fault inversion, GJI
Surface Wave Inversion and Ambient Noise
- Li et. al, 2014, Adaptive ambient noise tomography and its application to the Garlock Fault, southern California, GJI
- Nicolson et. al, 2014, Rayleigh wave tomography of the British Isles from ambient seismic noise, GJI
- de Ridder et. al, 2014, Time-lapse seismic noise correlation tomography at Valhall, GRL
- Takano et. al, 2014, Seismic velocity changes caused by the Earth tide: Ambient noise correlation analyses of small-array data, GRL
- Solano et. al, 2014, Alternative waveform inversion for surface wave analysis in 2-D media, GJI
- Mordret et. al, 2014, Seismic noise-based time-lapse monitoring of the Valhall overburden, GRL
- Li et. al, 2014, Adaptive ambient noise tomography and its application to the Garlock Fault, southern California, GJI
NW Bohemia
- Braeuer, 2014, Seismically triggered anomalies in the isotope signatures of mantle-derived gases detected at degassing sites along two neighboring faults in NW
- Bohemia, central Europe, JGRSauer et. al, 2014, Joint interpretation of geoelectrical and soil-gas measurements for monitoring CO2 releases at a natural analogue, NSG
- Fischer et. al, 2014, Intra-continental earthquake swarms in West-Bohemia and Vogtland: A review, Tectonophys
Near surface GPR, ERT, EM
- Wunderlich et. al, 2013, Absorption and frequency shift of GPR signals in sandy and silty soils: empirical relations between quality factor Q, complex permittivity and clay and water contents, NSG
- Dujardin et. al, 2014, GPR measurements to assess the Emeelt active fault's characteristics in a highly smooth topographic context, Mongolia, GJI
- Forte et. al, 2014, Velocity analysis from common offset GPR data inversion: theory and application to synthetic and real data, GJI
- Loke et. al, 2014, Smoothness-constrained time-lapse inversion of data from 3D resistivity surveys, NSG
- Rucker et. al, 2014, Real-time electrical monitoring of reagent delivery during a subsurface amendment experiment, 2014
- Karoulis et. al, 2014, 4D time-lapse ERT inversion: introducing combined time and space constraints, NSG
- Ercoli et. al, 2014, 3-D GPR data analysis for high-resolution imaging of shallow subsurface faults: the Mt Vettore case study (Central Apennines, Italy), GJI
- Bergmann et. al, 2014, Combination of seismic reflection and constrained resistivity inversion with an application to 4D imaging of the CO2 storage site, Ketzin, Germany, Geoph
- Wunderlich et. al, 2013, Absorption and frequency shift of GPR signals in sandy and silty soils: empirical relations between quality factor Q, complex permittivity and clay and water contents, NSG
Seismicity and Fluids
- Amoroso et. al, 2014, Seismic imaging of a fluid storage in the actively extending Apennine mountain belt, southern Italy, GRL
- Hainzl et. al, 2014, Testing atmospheric and tidal earthquake triggering at Mt. Hochstaufen, Germany, JGR
- McGarr, 2014, Maximum magnitude earthquakes induced by fluid injection, JGR
Other Papers
- Farrell et. al, 2014, Tomography from 26 years of seismicity revealing that the spatial extent of the Yellowstone crustal magma reservoir extends well beyond the Yellowstone caldera, GRL
- Lin, 2014, Three-dimensional compressional wave attenuation tomography for the crust and uppermost mantle of Northern and central California, GRL
- Valentine et. al, 2014, Explosion depths for phreatomagmatic eruptions, GRL
- Luth et. al, 2013, Does subduction polarity changes below the Alps? Inferences from analogue modelling, Tectonophys
- Farrell et. al, 2014, Tomography from 26 years of seismicity revealing that the spatial extent of the Yellowstone crustal magma reservoir extends well beyond the Yellowstone caldera, GRL