
Neue Publikation zum Einbau von Molybdän in Fe-Oxide

Unter den Eisenoxiden sind Hämatit, Goethit und Ferrihydrit die häufigsten Minerale. Eine neue Publikation zeigt Ergebnisse, die die Mechanismen des Einbaus von Mo6+ in die Struktur dieser Fe-Oxide untersucht hat.
Foto: Stefan Kiefer

Incorporation of Mo6+ in Ferrihydrite, Goethite, and Hematite

Iron oxides are potent adsorbers of inorganic anions, cations, and organic molecules. In our latest work, we investigated the association of iron oxides and molybdenum, an essential element for living organisms in trace amount and a pollutant in larger concentrations. Molybdate attached itself to the surfaces of the iron oxides. With time, some of the iron oxides, especially hematite, take up molybdate into its crystal structure and effectively remove it from the biochemical cycles. Goethite, on the other hand, reacts in a different way and is not a good storage medium for molybdate. These results have implications for bioavailability and cycling of molybdenum in soils and sediments. The entire publication is available at Link.

EXAFS-Spectroscopy: Normalized k3-weighted spectra of the Mo K-edge

Foto: Juraj Majzlan