Im Fokus: Die Sb-Isotopen verschiedener Sb-reicher Sulfide, Sulfosalze und Oxide

Wir öffnen die Tür für neue analytische Möglichkeiten

Die Verwendung der stabilen Isotope von Antimon (Sb) als geochemisches Werkzeug war bisher sehr begrenzt. Eine neue Publikation zeigt Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit und „öffnet die Tür“ zur Bestimmung der Sb-Isotopenzusammensetzung von Sb in Sulfiden, Sulfosalzen und Oxiden auf der Mikroskala.
Im Fokus: Die Sb-Isotopen verschiedener Sb-reicher Sulfide, Sulfosalze und Oxide
Foto: Juraj Majzlan

In-situ determination of Sb isotopes by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS

Isotopes of antimony (Sb) are non-traditional stable isotopes whose use as a geochemical tool has been very much limited so far. In this work, we open the door for the determination of isotopic composition of Sb on microscale. The measurements were done with laser ablation coupled to a multi-collector ICP mass spectrometer. Careful comparison of the laser ablation results with the more commonly used measurements from aqueous solutions documented the accuracy and precision of the method. We have developed an internal laboratory solid standard for such measurements. In addition, we have found that some of the samples are isotopically homogeneous, but some are surprisingly heterogeneous. Variations of the antimony isotopic composition on the microscale must be kept in mind when bulk methods are used. In the following studies, we will use our method to address concrete questions regarding the behavior of antimony in various natural systems.

Kaufmann, A.B., Lazarov, M., Kiefer, S., Majzlan, J., Weyer, S., 2021: In-situ determination of Sb isotopes by fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Chemistry Link