Abstract: Towards a dynamical model of Mars' evolution​

U. Walzer, T. Burghardt, R. Hendel, J. Kley. In W. E. Nagel, D. B. Kröner, and M. M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '09 (HLRS), pages 485-510. Berlin, 2010.

Towards a dynamical model of Mars' evolution.

U. Walzer, T. Burghardt, R. Hendel, J. Kley. Institut für Geowissenschaften, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Germany, u.walzer@uni-jena.de


We present the basic conception of a new dynamical model of the thermal and chemical evolution of Mars. Therefore new enlargements of the code Terra are necessary which allow to improve the solutions of the convection differential equations with strongly varying viscosity. These enlargements have been partly tested already. We describe considerations on the chronology of the early evolution of Mars and on magma ocean solidification since they lead to a structural model of the early Mars. This is important as a starting presupposition for a dynamical solution of the martian evolution similar to which derives the essential features of the Earth's mantle's history. At present there is no PREM-analogon neither for the present time nor for the start of the solid-state creep in the martian mantle. Mars has not only a topographical and crustal dichotomy but also a chemical dichotomy. We discuss different mechanisms which could generate not only these stuctures but also an early strong magnetic dipole field that vanishes after 500 Ma at the latest. Section 7 presents recent and future numerical improvements of the code Terra. Section 8 gives results on performance and scalability.

Key words: thermal evolution of Mars, chemical evolution of Mars, strongly varying viscosity, magma oceans solidification, structural model, Martian mantle, dichotomy, magnetic dipole field, Terra.

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