Abstract: Patterns in new dimensionless quantities containing melting temperature, and their dependence on pressure​

U. Walzer. Patterns in new dimensionless quantities containing melting temperature, and their dependence on pressure. Annali di Geofisica, 33:5-36, Rome, 1980.

Patterns in new dimensionless quantities containing melting temperature, and their dependence on pressure

U. Walzer

Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, Institutsteil Jena
Burgweg 11, DDR-6900 Jena, GDR.


The relationships existing between melting temperature and other macroscopic physical quantities are investigated. A new dimensionless quantity Q0 not containing the Grüneisen parameter proves to be suited for serving in future studies as a tool for the determination of the melting temperature in the outer core of the Earth. The pressure dependence of more general dimensionless quantities Qj is determined analytically and, for the chemical elements, numerically, too. The patterns of various interesting dimensionless quantities are shown in the Periodic Table and compared.

Key words: melting temperature, equation of state, high pressure, Grüneisen parameter, outer core, Earth, Periodic Table, Leibfried number, Bragg number

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