Abstract: Seismotectonics of the Pannonian Basin

U. Walzer, R. Maaz, and L. Tóth. Seismotectonics of the Pannonian Basin. In: Critical Aspects of the Plate Tectonics Theory, Vol.1:327-337, Theophrastus Publ. S.A. Athens, Greece, 1990.

Seismotectonics of the Pannonian Basin

U. Walzer(1) , R. Maaz(1), and L. Tóth(2)

(1) Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, Institutsteil Jena,
Burgweg 11, DDR-6900 Jena, GDR.

(2)Hungarian Academy of Science, Geodetical and Geophysical Research Institute,
Seismological Observatory, Meredek u. 18, H-1112 Budapest, Hungary


From earthquakes that occurred between 1763 and 1964 in the Pannonian Basin, maps were prepared by means of a computer. These maps show the epicentral density, the magnitude density and the densities of the epicentral intensities and of the seismic energy in form of isolines. In the energy map, individual events are overemphasized. The other seismic maps show a close relationship with tectonics.A low temperature at a depth of 1 km is very closely correlated with an increased occurence of earthquakes: a main chain of anomalies extends along the Transdanubian Central Range up to the Bükk Mountains. It is intersected by a chain Komárom-Esztergom-Budapest-Kecskemét-Hódmezövásárhely. Induvidual anomalies are found at the mouth of the Mura river near Pecs. Two tectonic hypotheses on the formation of the Pannonian Basin are dicussed.

Key words: Seismotectonics, Pannonian Basin, epicenters, seismic magnitude, intensity, seismic energy, seismic, tectonics, Transdanubian Central Range, seismic maps, earthquake, energy density, magnitude, seismic catalogue, Mohorovicic, lithosphere, Bakony, Bükk, Komárom, seismicity, Kecskemét, Hungary, earthquake catalogue

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