Abstract:Comparison of some equation-of-state theories by using experimental high-compression data

U. Walzer, W. Ullmann, and V.L. Pan'kov. Comparison of some equation-of-state theories by using experimental high-compression data. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 18:1-12, 1979.

Comparison of some equation-of-state theories by using experimental high-compression data

Uwe Walzer, Wolfgang Ullmann and V. L. Pan'kov


Three theories that are of importance for planetary physics are examined by establishing whether the curves in the pressure-density diagram which have been calculated from the appropriate equations of state satisfactorily describe the dynamic and static data obtained for cubic solids. For this purpose, the fourth-order anharmonic theory derived from lattice dynamics, a theory based on the Eulerian formulation of finite strain, and a new theory as outlined in Section 2 have been compared. It is found that the new theory yields results that show the best agreement with the measured values.

Key words: Earth, mantle, equation of state, high pressure, density, pressure, lattice dynamics, anharmonic theory, finite strain, Birch equation, Hugoniot pressure, Grüneisen parameter, Birch-Murnaghan equation, ultrasonic, halides, oxides, metals, isentrope, adiabat, Eulerian curve, thermal pressure

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