Sampled outcrops with the oxidation zone

Neue Publikation zur Mobilität von Schwermetallen während der oxidativen Verwitterung von Sulfiden

Der Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen die in der neuen Publikation von Prof. Majzlan und Mitarbeitenden gezeigt werden, lag u.a. auf der Untersuchung der isotopischen Veränderung der Minerale während der Verwitterung.
Sampled outcrops with the oxidation zone
Foto: Julia Herrmann

Isotope diffusion and re-equilibration of copper and evaporation of mercury during weathering of tetrahedrite in an oxidation zone

Oxidation of ore minerals leads not only to mineralogical and chemical changes, but also in changes in isotopic composition of the elements involved in the process. In our work, we investigated the isotopic changes of copper, mercury, and sulfur, and thought about the meaning of the measured changes. Isotopes of copper vary widely around the isotopic composition of the primary source mineral because of strong fractionation during dissolution, fast diffusion in solid state, and fractionation during precipitation of the new minerals. We were able to correlate the copper isotopic composition and the degree of weathering estimated by image analysis of the weathering products. Isotopic changes of mercury can be explained by evaporation of mercury into the atmosphere, without contribution of living organisms. For more details, see Link

Sampled outcrops with the oxidation zone

Foto: Julia Herrmann