Prof. Majzlan samples water associated with znucalite

Neue Publikation über das seltene Mineral Znucalit

Viele Minerale die sich bei Oberflächentemperaturen bilden sind sehr klein und schlecht kristallin. Trotzdem ist die Kenntnis wie solche Minerale aufgebaut sind essenziell für das Verständnis des Verhaltens der Metalle in der Umwelt.
Prof. Majzlan samples water associated with znucalite
Foto: Jakub Plášil

Znucalite, the only known zinc uranyl carbonate: its crystal structure and environmental implications

Many minerals that form at surface temperatures are marked by small particle size and poor crystallinity. They are inherently difficult to investigate by the standard crystallographic techniques but the knowledge of their structures is necessary, if we aspire to understand metal cycling in the environment. In our newest work, we investigated the mineral znucalite, a zinc-uranium carbonate, with a complex formula Zn12Ca(UO2)(CO3)3(OH)22·4H2O. We were able to determine its complicated crystal structure, using precession electron diffraction, and its thermodynamic properties, based on the chemical composition of the solutions associated with this mineral in the field. For more information, see Link

Prof. Majzlan samples water associated with znucalite

Foto: Jakub Plášil