Study introduction days

Introductory Days for Biogeosciences

The introductory days serve as orientation regarding the organization of studies and show the most important contact points in Jena concerning studies. Participation is recommended for all new Bachelor students, as well as all Master students who have not completed their Bachelor studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Download the program.pdf, 225 kb · de

Contact: Dr. Dirk Merten (

The Friedrich Schiller University will also support you after the introductory days:

  • A wide range of courses on study de methodology helps to master everyday university life
  • Counseling for chronically ill and disabled students

More info is available hereExternal link.


Note: You can create up-to-date timetables based on the electronic course catalog.External link

Attention: Please direct all questions regarding the content (overlaps, ambiguities) of the lesson plan to Ina Voigt