Cover picture interested students

Interested students

Cover picture interested students
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Titelbild Video Studieninteressierte

Image: YouTube

Titelbild Universität Jena kennenlernen: Angebote für Studieninteressierte

Image: UniJena

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Answers regarding pressing questions about how humankind affects our environment are based on processes and phenomena that build on both biological and geoscientific foundations.

Biotic diversity and complexity are closely coupled with processes in their physicochemical and geological-mineralogical environments. Conversely, fundamental geoscientific phenomena such as weathering and soil fertility development are co-directed by biological processes.

Complex problems such as climate change, acid rain, eutrophication, bioremediation, and biodiversity loss can only be understood in their interdisciplinary context, as they are caused by multiple interactions between biological, physicochemical, and geological-mineralogical processes. Our understanding of fundamental environmental processes can therefore only be increased through the integration of biology and geosciences, as exemplified and uniquely accomplished in the Biogeosciences program.

Five good reasons to study biogeosciences in Jena

  • Jena: A young and colorful student city

    With a population of just under 110,000, Jena offers all the advantages of a large city, yet is still cozy and well laid out. The many students (about 20 percent of Jena's population) shape the young, international cityscape. Not least thanks to them, there are many opportunities for activities outside of studying. Pubs, clubs, as well as associations and student university groups offer relaxation, companionship and sporting activities. Among others, the city has its own soccer team, basketball team and American soccer team, which are happy to invite students to their games and to participate personally.

    By the way: The semester fee (in SoSe 2020 223.27 euros) also includes a semester and culture ticket: This means you can use public transportation in Jena as well as regional trains throughout Thuringia. In addition, admission to the Jena Theaterhaus, the Jena Philharmonic and the city's museums is included. This is unique throughout Thuringia!

    Information about Jena as a place of study on the website of the Institute of Geosciences

    Infos und Freizeittipps auf der Webseite der Universität JenaExternal link

    Visit Jena: Offizielle Seite der Jenaer TouristinformationExternal link

  • Close contacts between university and business

    The business and science location of Jena is often referred to as the "Silicon Valley of Thuringia". The universities, non-university research institutions and commercial enterprises are closely interlinked. This enables you to establish contacts in practice already during your studies. The Institute of Geosciences, for example, maintains close cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology.

    Webseite der Jenaer Wirtschaftsförderung JenaWirtschaftExternal link

  • Studierendenwerk: A wide range of advice and support for students

    The Studierendenwerk Thüringen supports you with numerous offers in the
    The Studierendenwerk Thüringen offers a wide range of services to help you find a place to live or an apartment share, as well as with financial questions. It also offers social counseling, for example, for students with children, for students with disabilities, or even if you have doubts about your studies.

    Website Studierendenwerk ThüringenExternal link

  • Familiar atmosphere and close supervision by the teachers

    The practical approach to studying in small groups allows for individual
    individual support by the lecturers at the various institutes.

  • Lively student life thanks to student council

    The Fachschaftsrat Geowissenschaften represents the interests of the students and
    plans events (geo barbecue, Barbara party, movie night...), so that you can get to know students of the different fields of study (biogeosciences and geosciences) and semesters.

    Webseite FSR Geowissenschaften de