Schwermetalltolerante Mikroorganismen

Master program (M.Sc.) Biogeosciences

Schwermetalltolerante Mikroorganismen
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The Master's program in Biogeosciences is research-oriented and offers the opportunity for subsequent doctoral studies. Building on a good basic education in the natural sciences in the bachelor's program of the same name or an equivalent B.Sc., the ability to work independently in a modern, interdisciplinary scientific field is taught.

The program is especially dedicated to the integration and deepening of knowledge in geosciences and (micro)biology and deals with process mechanisms, processes and interrelationships in natural systems.

Image Film of the Master's Program in Biogeosciences

  • Study plan
    Curriculum Master
    Curriculum Master
    Image: IGW


    The current curriculum for the Master's program in Biogeosciences is available for download hereExternal link.

  • Module
    Module Catalog Master
    Module Catalog Master
    Image: IGW



    The current module catalog Master of Science Biogeosciences is available for download hereExternal link.




    Additional modules and overlay modules

    Conditional modules are central modules of the bachelor's degree program.

    Master's students who have not completed these or comparable modules in their Bachelor's program will be notified of these in the admission letter when they are admitted to the Master's program in Biogeosciences. These modules must be completed in the first two semesters of the Master's program and serve to provide important technical fundamentals for the Master's program.

    Since these are formally modules from another program (Bachelor Biogeosciences), special rules apply to the requirement modules:

    Please take the module via Friedolin (choose the way via the course catalog, as the module is not included in the module catalog of the Master Biogeosciences).

    Register for the examination by sending a short message to the examination office with your name and matriculation number, asking to register you as a student of the Master Biogeosciences for the conditional module BBGW x.x for the examinations with the examination numbers yy.

    In other cases please contact

    BBGW 1.3 Introduction to Geosciences (compulsory: lectures and exercises with the corresponding exam, participation in the complete module is recommended), takes place in WS, exam number: 94031

    BBGW 3.6 Microbiology (Part 1, consisting of lecture and seminar), takes place in WS, exam numbers 94171 and 94172

    The requirement module can be applied for as an additional module.

    Additional modules are those modules that do not count towards the credit points to be earned in the Bachelor's and Master's programs.

    Additional modules offer students the opportunity to acquire further competencies in addition to the modules of the Biogeosciences program that are suitable for the subject.

    Additional modules are not restricted in terms of content; they can, for example, be modules on "soft skills" such as language courses, but also subject-related content from neighboring disciplines.

    An additional module can be marked on the certificate upon application to the examination office if

    • the module was offered through the Friedrich Schiller University (e.g. Foreign Language Center, other faculties...)
    • the module has been awarded credit points
    • the module was completed with a graded examination
    • the student can provide appropriate proof of the module taken.

    Recommended additional modules de

    If you are unsure whether a module you have taken or are planning to take fulfills these requirements, please seek academic advice from the Examinations Office or your subject advisors.

  • Specializations


    From now on it is possible to have a maximum of one of the following specializations indicated on the master's certificate in Biogeosciences upon requestpdf, 109 kb · de.


    • Requestpdf, 109 kb · de for designation on the certificate
    • at least 1 project module and master thesis in the specialization area (45 LP)
    • further at least 15 LP from the elective area (allocation see chart)
    • of these 15 LP, up to 6 LP from a "wildcard module" (module of a neighboring Master's program) can be brought in after prior consultation with the advisor of the study program
  • Study/examination regulations

    The criteria on the basis of which the students' performance is assessed are defined in the study regulations and the examination regulations of the Master's program in Biogeosciences.

    The examination and study regulations are available to students as a download on this page. In addition, students can make use of subject advising services in general cases and consult with the module supervisor in special cases.

    Detailed contents of the individual modules can be found in the module descriptions and are presented by the responsible lecturers at the beginning of the semester.

    Study regulations

    Examination regulations

  • Review Board

    The examination board Master Biogeosciences is composed as follows: 

    • Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche (Chairman)
    • Prof. Dr. Erika Kothe
    • Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel
    • Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schäfer (deputy chairman)
    • Dr. Dirk Merten
    • Dr. Katrin Krause
    • cand. Master Biogeosciences Clara Gerisch (student member)
  • Master thesis

    Current topics

    Please contact the working group leaders personally for topic suggestions.

    Master thesis registration

    Please fill out the application completely and have it signed by both your first and second reviewer. The application signed by the applicant and both reviewers has to be handed in to the examination office of the Faculty of Chemical and Geosciences de at least two weeks before the start of the master thesis.

    Application for Admission to the Master's Thesis in the Program Biogeosciences de

    Resolution of the Audit Committee (dated 04.09.2013)

    A core team is determined, which significantly supports the study program Biogeosciences in research and teaching.

    At least one reviewer of the master thesis must come from this core team!

    The core team consists of

    • Prof. Dr. Anke Kleidon-Hildebrandt
    • Prof. Dr. Erika Kothe
    • Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel
    • Prof. Dr. Falko Langenhorst
    • Prof. Dr. Juraj Majzlan
    • Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schäfer
    • Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche
    • Dr. Katrin Krause
    • Dr. Dirk Merten

    Master thesis extension

    According to §12 paragraph 4, final papers can be extended by 3 weeks upon application to the examination board.

    The informal application is to be submitted in writing by the candidate to the BGW Examination Committee (for the attention of Prof. Totsche). The consent of the first examiner must be obtained in advance and documented on the application. The reason for the extension must not be the candidate's own fault. Informal applications must be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the deadline for submission of the thesis as specified in the admission letter. The application should preferably be submitted via the Hydrogeology Secretariat.

    After examination of the application, the candidate and the examination office will be informed about the decision.

    ac. Kai Totsche (28-06-2012)

    Student Advisory Service

    Dr. Dirk Merten

    Tel.: 03641/948616

  • Bio-Geo Colloquium


    Here you can find the program of the Bio-Geo-Colloquium and the seminar on the DFG Collaborative Research Centre AquaDiva (CRC AquaDiva) for download as PDF.

    Current scientific topics from the intersection of bio- and geosciences are presented.

    Here you can find the current event dates for the BioGeo-Colloquium de