

Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)

Study at the EAH-Jena

New course 2024

  • Introduction to Machine Learning in Geosciences (SS)

    How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used in Geosciences today? This block course  will answer this question by introducing the capabilities of AI and, more specifically, machine learning techniques for geoscience applications. Participants in this course not only gain proficiency in programming (in Python) but also acquire a thorough understanding of the diverse applications of machine learning (in Pytorch) within this framework.

    Modulnumber MGEO005, MGEO006External link

    Block course 29.07. to 02.08.24 in English

Lectures comprise the domains of geology of raw materials (energy resources, industrial rocks and minerals, metals, well site geology, including environmental impacts of raw material exploitation), hydrogeology (pumping test, hydrochemistry, isotopes in hydrochemistry, water analytics, prospection for groundwater), engineering geology, remote sensing and GIS, Bio-Geo-Interactions and rock-water-interactions.

In practical courses the knowledge is applicated to real problems in geosciences, e.g., well log interpretation, evaluation of pumping tests, lab analysis of rock mechanics, water sampling and analysis. In field courses aspects of professional experience are highlighted by visits of producing enterprises, open mines, potable water suppliers, waste disposals, labs, specific mapping and internships.

Most important is an integrating approach for the biogeoscientific field course, where a local geoscientific situation is investigated using ca. five field and lab methods. In groups of only a few students, advised by a lecturer, measuring, documentation, interpretation, discussion and presentation of results as well as logistical planning of future field work are trained. This experience is especially valuable for the field work during a master thesis.

On the one hand, our aim is the mediation of experience for the future job, be it in an engineering office, a mining company, potable water producing enterprise, monitoring companies, remediation activities of abandoned waste dumps, in environmental departments of municipal, federal and national administration, as well as in scientific institutions. On the other hand, the personal evolution shall form a reliable base for a future PhD study, in geosciences or biogeosciences.

Qualification works

Feel free to contact us about topics for possible theses.

On these pages you will find an overview of the main research areas and current projects.