Team Collage


Team Collage
Collage: Sarah Hupfer
  • Prof. Dr. habil. Thorsten Schäfer
    Prof. Dr. habil. Thorsten Schäfer
    Prof. Dr. habil. Thorsten Schäfer
    Image: Prof. Dr. habil. Thorsten Schäfer

    Thorsten Schäfer

    Prof. Dr. habil.

    Telephone: 03641 /  948640
    Telefax: 03641 / 948622


    Google ScholarExternal link

    ResearchGateExternal link

    ResearcherIDExternal link

    Personal information

    Birth Date and Place: 11.09.1969, Wiesbaden, Germany
    Marital Status: Married, 3 children

    Educational history

    • 2008
      • Habilitation (Priv. Doz. Dr. habil., 2008)
        Freie Universität Berlin,  Department of Geosciences, Germany
        Advisor: Prof. Dr. A. Pekdeger

    • 1998
      • Ph.D. in Hydrogeology (Dr. rer. nat., 1998)
        Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Geosciences, Germany
        Advisors: Prof. Dr. D. Schenk, Prof. Dr. F. Sirocko (University of Mainz)

    • 1994
      • Diploma in Geology (Dipl. Geol., 1994)
        Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Geosciences, Germany
        Advisors: Prof. Dr. D. Schenk & Dr. H. Knoke, Depart­ment of Geoscience


    • seit 6/2017
      University Professor and Chair of Applied Geology
      Friedrich-Schiller-Universität (FSU) Jena, Germany
      Institute of Earth Sciences

    • 10/2014 – 2017
      Professor of Chemical Environmental Geology
      Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
      Department of Applied Geosciences, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences

    • 2014 – 2017
      Deputy Director
      Karlsruher  Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
      of the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)

    • 2009 – 2017
      Deputy divisional head "Geochemistry"
      Karlsruher  Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
      of the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)

    • 2008 – 2009
      Deputy Head of the "Geochemistry" Department
      Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, INE, Germany

    • 2004 – 2012
      Group Leader "Radionuclide Migration"
      Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, INE, Germany

    • 2002 – 2009
      Group Leader "Colloid Chemistry"
      Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, INE, Germany

    • 1999 – 2000
      Staff scientist
      Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, INE, Germany

    • 2000 – 2001
      Postdoctoral Research Associate
      Brookhaven National Laboratory (NSLS) & State Univer­sity of New York, USA

    • 1996 – 1998
      Research Associate
      Johannes Gutenberg  University of Mainz, Germany
      DFG priority program 546 "Geochemical processes with long-term effects in anthropogenically- affected seepage and groundwater"

    • 1994 – 1995
      Research Associate
      Johannes Gutenberg  University of Mainz, Germany
      German Research Foundation (DFG) priority program 546 "Geochemical processes with long-term effects in anthropogenically-affected seepage and groundwater"

    • 1994
      Research Associate
      Johannes Gutenberg  University of Mainz, Germany
      Compilation of a hy­drocarbon reservoir rock data base for the expert system FROCKI (German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science and Technology, DGMK)

    • 1995 – 1996
      Military Service
      Department of air traffic control (AFSBw)

    Awards and recognitions



    • 2017 – present
      Associated Editor for Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, Elsevier
    • 2016 – present
      Guest Editor for Geothermal Energy Journal, Springer
    • 2015 –2016
      Guest Editor for Clays and Clay Minerals
    • 2014 – present
      Associated Editor, Applied Geochemistry, Elsevie
    • 2010 – present
      Member of the expert panel on radionuclide migration in plastic clays for the ONDRAF/NIRAS and SCK∙CEN preparation of the Safety and Feasibility Case-1 (SFC-1)
    • 2006 – present
      Laboratory coordinator of the Grimsel Test Site (GTS) Colloid Formation & Migration (CFM) project
    • 2005 – present
      Representative of INE in the NEA-OECD "ClayClub" focusing on the characterization, the understanding and the Performance of Argillaceous Rocks as Repository Host Formations
      Proposal Review Committee (PRT) member of the PSI-SLS synchrotron facility "Hard XAS", Advanced light source (ALS, Berkeley) & Canadian Light Source (CLS) Panel on Geoscience applications


    • 2013 – present
      Principal investigator (PI); research field energy proposal for a Helmholtz research programme "Renewable Energies Topic 4: Geothermal Energy Systems" (2015-2019)
    • 2013 – present
      Principal investigator (PI); research field energy proposal for a Helmholtz research programme "Nuclear Waste Management and Safety as well as Radiation Research Topic 1: Nuclear Waste Management" (2015-2019)
    • 2016 – 2017
      Member "Geo/Water" of the Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS) at KIT
    • 2014 – 2017 
      Deputy Topic speaker "Georesources" of the KIT Climate and Environment Center
    • 2012 – present
      Member of the Holcim-Award
    • 2009 – present
      Advisory committee member of the "Center of Competence for Material Moisture, CMM"
  • Secretary
    Katrin Schönherr
    Katrin Schönherr
    Image: Sarah Hupfer

    Katrin Schönherr

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Raum H 101

    Telephone: 03641 /  948621

    Telefax: 03641 / 948622 



  • Merten, Dirk Dr. (Head of Laboratory)
    Merten, Dirk Dr.
    Merten, Dirk Dr.
    Image: Merten, Dirk Dr.

    Dirk Merten


    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H118

    Telephone: 03641 / 948616


    Google ScholarExternal link

    ResearchGateExternal link

    ResearcherIDExternal link

    Research focus: BioGeo processes, (Nano)particles


    Dr. Dirk Merten, born on 29. January 1969 in Lünen

    • since 11/03 
      • Head of the Hydrogeochemical lab at the Institute of Geosciences at the Friedrich Schiller university Jena
    • since 07/99
      • Responsible for the ICP-MS system at the Institute of Geosciences at the Friedrich Schiller university Jena
    • 12/98 
      • Grade: Dr. rer. nat.
    • 07/97 – 08/97 
      • Stay abroad at ISA Jobin Yvon in France, funded by the LEONARDO-Project oft he European Union
    • 09/95 – 12/98 
      • PhD in the group Analytical Chemistry (translated from German):
        "Development of direct and coupled methods for the analysis of ZrO2
        based ceramic powders using fast sequential atomic emission spectrometry with the inductively coupled plasma."
    • 08/95 
      • Grade: Dipl.-Chem.
    • 01/95 – 08/95 
      • Diploma thesis (translated from German):
        "Modelling and experimental verification of the evaporation behaviour
        of refractory particles for ICP-OES with pneumatic nebulization of suspensions"
    • 10/94 – 11/94 
      • Diploma examination
    • 10/89 – 11/94 
      • Studies of Chemistry at the University of Dortmund

    Academic teaching

    Bio-Geo-Colloquium (WS and SS), in English

    In a weekly lecture series lecturers report on their research on the manifold interactions in the systems atmosphere, plant, soil, and groundwater. The lecture series is focused on the spatially and temporally extremely diverse microbiological, molecular genetic, geological, hydrogeochemical, mineralogical, pedological, and geoecological mechanisms transport and impact of substances in the environment rely on.

    The current program can be found herepdf, 203 kb · de

    Schedule: during the lecture period, Tuesday, 4.15 p.m. to 6 p.m., Lecture Hall, Wöllnitzer Str. 7

    Methods applied in hydrogeochemistry (WS), in German

    Knowledge of sampling groundwater and surface water and its preservation for analysis for organic and inorganic water constituents is provided. An introduction to various analytical methods for dissolved and colloidal water constituents and for extraction from soils is given. Practical applications are made to check plausibility and to evaluate and present analytical results. 

    (For current dates please search in the course catalog External linkunder event no.: 45686)

    Biogeoscientific career field (WS)

    Career orientation is of fundamental interest to students. For this reason, a new module was established for the winter semester 2023/2024, which combines the support offered by the Career Point de for career orientation and applications with the legal and business management knowledge for setting up and working in companies taught in the Business Competence course. The module is supplemented by a seminar in which graduates from the biogeosciences report on their current professional fields and the relevant qualifications acquired during their studies.

    Bio-Geo-Interactions 1 (Part 2) , in German

    Literature and database research on selected topics in the geosciences and biosciences and the presentation of the acquired knowledge promote the ability to work independently in a scientific manner.

    (For current dates please search in the course catalog External link under event no.: 22750)



    Rare earth elements as tools for process studies in various environmental compartments

    After normalization to suitable standards such as Post Archean Australian Shale Rare earth elements (REE: La- Lu) can be applied to study processes such as dissolution, co(preciptation), sorption in the system water, soil, rock, and biota.

    However, the application of REE for process studies relies on high qualitative analytical data. Typically, concentrations of REE in the environment are rather low while matrix elements are often highly concentrated thus impeding analytical measurements. For this reason methods for matrix separation/enrichment of REE from the water phase and for the interfrence free determination of REE are developed (further).

    A further research topic is the microbial impact on geochemical processes.

  • Sadeghnejad, Saeid (Group leader of AI and Machine Learning)
    Sadeghnejad, Saeid
    Sadeghnejad, Saeid
    Image: Sadeghnejad, Saeid

    Saeid Sadeghnejad


    Room: H 307

    Telephone: 03641 / 948618


    ResearchGateExternal link

    GoogleScholarExternal link

    Research interest: Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in porous media during the energy transition period


    • since January 2024
      • Researcher at Friedrich Schiller University Jena
        Institute for Geosciences
    • 2020-2022
      • Researcher, Alexander von Humboldt fellowship
        Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
    • since 2020
      • Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering
        Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
    • 2014-2021
      • Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering
        Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
    • 2014-2024
      • Company Advisor, Core analysis laboratory
        Bien company, Iran
    • 2017
      • Visiting Research Scholar
        University of Waterloo, Canada
    • 2006-2014
      • Senior Reservoir Ingenieur/Software developer
        MAPSA Co., Iran


    • 2006-2011
      • PhD candidate in Petroleum Engineering
        Sharif university of Technology, Tehran, Iran
        Dissertation: Estimation of reservoir performance parameter using percolation approach
    • 2004-2006
      • Master program: Reservoir Engineering (Petroleum Engineering)(
        Sharif university of Technology, Tehran, Iran
        Masterthesis: Characterization of reservoir rock properties using wavelet transform
        and fractal analysis
    • 2000-2004
      • Bachelor program: Chemical Engineering (B.Sc.)
        Sharif university of Technology, Tehran, Iran


    • 2020-2022
      Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers at Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
    • 2010
      Innovation award for distinguished innovation in research and education for phD thesis (Certificate of Dr. Mojtahedi), Sharif University of Technology


    Introduction to Machine Learning in Geosciences (MGEO005, MGEO006)

    How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used in Geosciences today? This block course  will answer this question by introducing the capabilities of AI and, more specifically, machine learning techniques for geoscience applications. Participants in this course not only gain proficiency in programming (in Python) but also acquire a thorough understanding of the diverse applications of machine learning (in Pytorch) within this framework.

    Coring and core analysis analysis in oil and gas (in Vorlesung Rohstoffgeologie)

    In this course, formation evaluation via integrated core analysis and geological studies is presented. The role of geoscience in analyzing core rock properties extracted from hydrocarbon reservoirs is introduced. The course covers the essential steps of coring, routine core analysis (RCAL), special core analysis (SCAL), and geological studies.

    Digital rock physics (DRP)

    The two paradigms of digital rock physics (DRP) are imaging and computation. Participants in this course delve into the revolutionary advancement of rock analysis through advanced imaging techniques and computational technologies. They learn to construct digital twin of rock samples at the pore scale, enabling detailed simulations and analyses of their physical properties and behaviours. Participants in this course will learn the steps involved in CT scanning using the available 3D x-rax microscope Xradia versa 620 (Zeiss Co.). Additionally, they will gain proficiency in image preprocessing and analysis (using Avizo, ImageJ, and Dragonfly). Furthermore, various pore scale modelling approaches, including PNM, LBM, and DNS, will be taught to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter

  • Ashrafizadeh, Marjan
    Marjan Ashrafizadeh
    Marjan Ashrafizadeh
    Image: Marjan Ashrafizadeh

    Marjan Ashrafizadeh


    Room: H 307

    Telephone: 03641 / 948618


    ResearchGateExternal link

    Google ScholarExternal link

    Research interest: Design, synthesis, and characterization of smart polymeric systems for various applications


    • since 2024
      • PostDoc at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Institute for Geosciences
    • 2019-2021
      • Lab Data Analyst, Core Analysis Laboratory, Bien Company, Iran
    • 2017
      • Visiting Research Scholar, Laboratory for Functional Colloids and Sustainable Nanomaterials, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada
    • 2016
      • Teaching Assistant, Fluid Mechanics, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
    • 2015-2016
      • Research Assistant, Laboratory for Dynamic Surface Phenomena and Colloidal Systems, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
    • 2010-2012
      • Teaching Assistant, Heat Transfer Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran


    •  2019
      • Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
        University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
        Dissertation: Synthesis and performance investigation of pH-sensitive polymer for water flow pattern control

    • 2011
      • M.Sc. Polymer Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
        Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
        Master thesis: Experimental investigation and theoretical modelling of swelling and solution of nanoscale coated polyacrylamide particles in porous media
    • 2009
      • B.Sc. Chemical Engineering
        Technische Universität Sharif, Teheran, Iran
        Bachelor thesis: Laboratory investigation of the viscosity of dilute polyacrylamide solutions in high saline media
  • Böhm, Marcus
    Marcus Böhm
    Marcus Böhm
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Marcus Böhm

    M.Sc. Geography

    Telephone: 03641 948697

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H121


    Project assignment: BMBF-Project TRAVARIS

    ResearchGateExternal link



    • Since January 2018
      • PhD-student at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Institute of Geosciences
        Chair of Applied Geology


    • October 2014 - February 2017:
      • Master program: Geography (M.Sc.)
        Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
        Master's thesis: The importance of internal re-dissolution potentials of nutrients and heavy metals in polymictic shallow lakes using the example of Lake Süsser See

    • October 2011 - September 2014
      • Bachelor program: Geography (B.Sc.)
        Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

    Field of research interests:

    My last research topics were related to the investigation of the Fe-S-C-systems of (semi-)terrestrial and aquatic sediment bodies. Within my PhD thesis in the TRANS-LARA project I am working on the effect of colloids/nanoparticles on the transfer of radionuclides from the saturated groundwater system through the vadose zone to the biosphere (soil) under different climatic scenarios expected within the safety assessment period of a deep geological nuclear waste repository.

    Further Interests: Limnology, GIS, Botany

  • Berger, Dietrich
    Dietrich Berger
    Dietrich Berger
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Dietrich Berger

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H307

    Telephone: 03641 / 948618


    Vegetation is a main landscape feature. It is anthropogenic influenced more or less and subjected to succession.  Particularly dynamic changes can be observed in devastated post mining areas as around Ronneburg. Standardized vegetation surveys are necessary to analyze such changes, for example vegetation survey according to Braun-Blanquet. With ecological indicator values of different species site conditions can be concluded."

  • Buchwald, Frank
    Buchwald, Frank
    Buchwald, Frank
    Image: Buchwald, Frank

    Frank Buchwald

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H009

    Telephone: 03641 / 948603


  • Buhler, Ulrike
    Ulrike Buhler
    Ulrike Buhler
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Ulrike Buhler

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H309D and L002

    Telephone: 03641 / 948641 und 03641 / 948649


  • Ewouame, Ruth Amenuvela
    Ruth Amenuvela Ewouame
    Ruth Amenuvela Ewouame
    Image: Ruth Amenuvela Ewouame

    Ruth Amenuvela Ewouame

    Room: 111A

    Telephone: 03641 / 9-48669

    Project assignment: AquaDiva


    • Since October 2022
      • Ph.D candidate at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Institute of Earth Sciences
        Chair of Applied Geology


    •  September 2020 – July 2022
      • Master program: Environment Management: Soils, Wastes and Polluted Sites Management (M.Sc.)
        Aix-Marseille University, France
        Master's thesis: Role of the colloidal fraction in the transport and the fate of metallic pollutants in surfaces waters
    •  September 2019 – June 2020
      • Bachelor program: Environmental Sciences (B.Sc.)
        Perpignan University, France
        Bachelor's thesis: Application of analytical chemistry in Environmental Sciences
    •  October 2014 – August 2018
      • Bachelor: Water and Environment Management
        Lomé University, Togo
        Bachelor's thesis: Organic wastes composting and use on corn crop


  • Gabert, Valentin
    Valentin Gabert
    Valentin Gabert
    Image: Valentin Gabert

    Valentin Gabert

    M.Sc. Biogeosciences

    Room: Burgweg 11, H 312 C

    Telephone: 03641 / 948634


    ResearchGateExternal link

    Research focus: Transport properties of radionuclides

    Project assignment: SPIEG3L






    • since April 2024
      • Ph.D candidate at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Institute of Earth Sciences
        Chair of Applied Geology
    • 11/2020-03/2024
      • Master program: Biogeosciences (M.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
      • Master's thesis: Methodischer Vergleich zur Pflanzenaufbereitung von Getreide/Holz zur Ermittlung möglicher Verunreinigungen im Arbeitsprozess für Spurenelementanalyse
    • 10/2017-09/2020
      • Bachelor program: Biogeosciences (B.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Bachelor's thesis: Investigation of the production of metallophores in the chemosphere of the macroalga Ulva under copper stress
  • Hellmann, Steffen
    Steffen Hellmann
    Steffen Hellmann
    Image: Steffen Hellmann

    Steffen Hellmann

    M. Sc. Chemistry – Energy – Environment

    PhD student in the structured PhD program of the International Max Planck Research School for global Biogeochemical Cycles (IMPRS-gBGC) at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena associated with the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H 305

    Telephone: 03641 / 948667
    Fax: 03641 / 948622


    Project affiliation(s): DFG SPP 2005, CONCERT_CCair

    Google ScholarExternal link                  ORCIDExternal link

    ResearchGateExternal link                    LinkedinExternal link

    Web of ScienceExternal link                  ResearcherIDExternal link


      • since Feb. 2021
        • PhD student at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
          Institute of Geosciences
          Working group: Applied Geology
          associated with the
        • Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
          Biogeochemical Processes
          Working group: Molecular Biogeochemistry
          Thesis-Working title: Application of single particle/single cell ICP-MS to geotechnical and biogeochemical suspension
      • October 2018 – December 2020
        • Master program: Chemistry - Energy - Environment (M. Sc.)
          Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
          Master’s thesis: Analytical Investigations to estimate phosphorus re-dissolution rates in trace levels of selected topsoils and river sediments (applied at: Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas, Jena)
      • September 2014 – February 2018
        • Bachelor program: Chemistry- and Environmental Engineering (B. Sc.)
          Technische Hochschule Lübeck
          Bachelor’s thesis: Element fingerprint of sediment samples from the German river Weser as well as method development for the measurement of stable Pb isotope ratios using ICP-MS/MS (applied at: Helmholtz-Centre Geesthacht)
      • August 2012 – June 2014
        • Further apprenticeship to Environmental Protection Engineer
          Freiherr-vom-Stein-Berufskolleg Werne
          Title of project work: Documentation of the remediation of contaminated sites on an industrial site in “Kreis Warendorf (Germany)” with the focus on the comparison of remediation alternatives and the interpretation of pollutant analysis (applied at: Umweltlabor ACB GmbH, Münster)
    • August 2008 – June 2011
      • Apprenticeship to Chemistry Laboratory Worker
        Umweltlabor ACB GmbH, Münster


    • July 2011 – August 2012
      • Chemistry Laboratory Worker (full time),
        Department: Organic chemistry, GC-ECD / GC- MS, PCB analytics
        Umweltlabor ACB GmbH, Münster


    • November 2018
      • Winner of the Possehl-Engineer price 2018
        Possehl-Stiftung Lübeck for the best thesis of TH Lübeck

    Stay abroad

      • April 2018 – August 2018
        • ERASMUS+ research internship
          Department: Trace Element Speciation Laboratory (TESLA)
          University of Aberdeen, Scotland
      • September 2022 – December 2022
        • Research stay as part of the PhD
          Mass Spectrometry and Biomedical Analysis group, University of Oviedo, Spain


  • Hupfer, Sarah
    Hupfer, Sarah
    Hupfer, Sarah
    Image: Hupfer, Sarah

    Sarah Hupfer


    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H 304

    Telephone: 03641 / 948634


    ResearchGateExternal link

    PublonsExternal link


    • Since 08/2019
      • Postdoc at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute for Geosciences
      • responsible person for the 3D x-ray microscope
    • 08/2014-12/2018
      • Research fellow at Leibniz-Institut for Applied Geophysics in the section Rock Physics & Borehole Geophysics
        Project: Junior Research Group Subrosion - Investigation of the complex electrical properties for the characterization of carbonate rocks.
        PhD thesis: Spectral Induced Polarization of an enhanced pore space characterization and analysis of solution processes of carbonate rocks


    • 2011-2014
      • Master program: Geosciences (M.Sc.)
        Specialization geophysics
        University of Potsdam
        Master's thesis: Systematic Investigations of the Complex Electrical Resistance of Mineral-Sand-Mixtures
    • 2008-2011
      • Bachelor program: Geosciences (B.Sc.)
        University of Potsdam
        Bachelor's thesis: Coulomb Voltage Changes caused by the Tohoku-oki Earthquake
  • Kamp, Ines
    Kamp, Ines
    Kamp, Ines
    Image: Kamp, Ines

    Ines Kamp

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room L002 and H015

    Telephone: 03641 / 948649 und 03641 / 948708


  • Kogiomtzidis, Anna
    Anna Kogiomtzidis
    Anna Kogiomtzidis
    Image: Anna Kogiomtzidis

    Anna Kogiomtzidis

    Telephone: 0511 762 3895

    Adress: Herrenhäuser Str. 2, 30419 Hannover, Buildung 4113, Room 020


    Research focus: Radionuclide transport in soil

    Project assignment: BMBF-Project Travaris




    • since May 2024
      • PhD student at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
        Institute for Geosciences
        Chair of Applied Geology
      • since January 2022
        • PhD student at the Leibniz University Hannover
          Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection


    • 2019 - 2021
      • Master program: Physics (M.Sc.)
        Master thesis: Development of a Python application for isotope pattern recognition and ligand analysis of mass spectra measured with an Orbitrap mass analyser
    • 2015 - 2019
      • Bachelor program: Physics (B.Sc.)
        Bachelor thesis: Identification of europium species with time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS)
  • Kusturica, Annemie
    Kusturica, Annemie
    Kusturica, Annemie
    Image: Kusturica, Annemie

    Annemie Kusturica

    M.Sc. Geoscience

    Telephone: 03641 948644

    Room: H111B


    Project assignment:



    Professional career

      • Since July 2021
        • Ph.D candidate at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
          Institute of Earth Sciences
          Chair of Applied Geology
          Project: WTZ-Granit


    • April 2018- May 2021
      • Master program: Geoscience (M.Sc.)
        Specialization Geology
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Master´s thesis: Calcite fracture-fillings as geochemical archive and natural retention of trace-elements

    • Oktober 2014 - September 2018
      • Bachelor program:  Bio-Geoscience (B.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Bachelor´s thesis: Aufreinigung von Siderphoren aus Bodenbakterien des Schlöppnerbrunnen
  • Lange, Dan Frederik
    Frederik Lange
    Frederik Lange
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Dan Frederik Lange

    M.Sc. Marine Geosciences
    PhD student in the graduate program International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, in association with the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry

    Room: B1.019 (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry)

    Telefon: 03641 / 576146

    Telefax: 03641 / 948622



    Academic Education

    • since Feb. 2021
      • PhD-Student an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Institute of Geosciences.
        Faculty for Applied Geosciences.
        Associated with the
      • Max Planck Institute for Biogeosciences
        Department Biogeochemical Processes
        Working group: Molecular Biogeochemistry
      • Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2020
        • Master program: Marine Geosciences (M.Sc.)
          Specialization: Biogeochemistry
          University of Bremen
        • Master's thesis: Position-specific 13C labeling of amino acids: Water column turnover and microbial transformation pathways in the shelf region off Cape Blanc. Hinrichs Lab, Marum
    • Oct. 2012 – March 2017
      • Bachelor program: Geosciences (B. Sc.)
        University of Bremen
        Specialization: Geochemie
      • Bachelor's thesis: Vergleich von lipidischen SST-Proxys in Partikel- und Sedimentproben in Abhängigkeit von der Wassertiefe am Kontinentalrand vor Nordwest-Iberien. Hinrichs Lab, Marum.
    • August 2003 – Mai 2012
      • Abitur, A level.
        Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium, Itzehoe


    • Dec. 2020
      • Best Thesis Award in Marine Geosciences, for the master thesis. University of Bremen
  • Leins, Alessio
    Leins, Alessio
    Leins, Alessio
    Image: Leins, Alessio

    Alessio Leins

    Telephone: +49 331 288 28702



    Project affiliation:
    REFLECT - Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction.


    • since January 2020
      • PhD Candidate
        GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
        Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute for Earth Sciences
    • 2015-2019
      • Master program: Geoecology (M.Sc.)
        University Potsdam
        Master's Thesis: Release and fate of organic and inorganic matter from the Batagaika thaw slump to the Yana River in central Yakutia (Russia) due to rapid permafrost degradation
    •  2012-2015
      • Bachelor progam: Biogeosciences (B.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
  • Löwe, Ariunzaya
    Ariunzaya Löwe
    Ariunzaya Löwe
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Ariunzaya Löwe

    Room: H304

    Telephone: 03641 / 948634


    Project assignment:
    RENA Biological radionuclide removal using natural association processes - (BMBF: 02NUK066B)

    Field of Work:
    Pore space characterisation and reactive transport modelling

    Project assignment: RENA


    • since July 2022
      • Ph.D candidate at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Institute of Earth Sciences
        Chair of Applied Geology
        Project: RENA


    • October 2015 – April 2019
      • Master program: Geoscience (M.Sc.)
        Specialization Geophysics
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Master’s Thesis: Petrophysical characteristics of core materials from Muschelkalk drilled in the framework of the INFLUINS Project
    • 2010 – 2013
      • Master program: Geophysics (M.Sc.)
        Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
        Master Thesis: Software based analysis of gravity anomalies caused by faulted thin slabs using a least squares-method

    • 2006 – 2010
      • Bachelor program: Software Engineering (B.Sc.)
        Huree University of Information, Communication and Technology, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
        Bachelor’s Thesis: E-Book of Mongolian language (C#)
  • Nettemann, Sarah
    Sarah Nettemann
    Sarah Nettemann
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Sarah Nettemann


    Telephone: 03641 / 948667

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room H 305


    Research focus: GeoBio interactions, (bio)colloid/nanoparticle characterization, rhizosphere processes

    Project affiliation: BMBF-Projekt MykoBEst

    ResearchGateExternal link

    ResearcherIDExternal link



    • since 2024
    • August 2019 - April 2024
      • Ph.D candidate at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Institute of Earth Sciences
        Chair of Applied Geology
        PhD thesis: Mobility of trace elements associated with natural nanoparticles in acid mine drainage influenced pore-and groundwaters
    •  October 2016 – March 2019
      • Master program: Biogeosciences (M.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Master's thesis: Nanoparticle Tracking Fluorescence Analysis (Fluo-NTA): a new method to differentiate between inorganic nanoparticles and biocolloids?
    •  October 2013 – September 2016
      • Bachelorprogram: Biogeosciences (B.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Bachelor's thesis: Investigation of the diversity of methylamine-utilizing microorganisms in freshwater ecosystems
  • Philipp, Sven

    Sven Philipp

    M.Sc. Applied Geoscience

    Telephone: 06742/80499-60



    • since 12/2018
      • Ph.D candidate in Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
        Institute for Geosciences
        Chair of Applied Geology

    • since 07/2015
      • Employee in Wasser und Boden GmbH


    • 2012-2015
      • Master program: Applied Geoscience
        Darmstadt University of Technology
        Master's thesis: Hydrochemistry and Isotopic Analysis of Deep (Partly Thermal) Wells and Springs in NW-Slovenia
    •  2007-2012
      • Bachelor program:  Applied Geoscience
        Darmstadt University of Technology
        Bachelor's thesis: Geologische Kartierung des Zechsteins am südöstlichen Harzrand bei Breitungen
  • Pirrung, Michael
    Michael Pirrung
    Michael Pirrung
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Michael Pirrung

    PD Dr.

    Responsibilities: Room plan, lecture plan and exam dates (Friedolin) for the study paths B.Sc. and M.Sc. Geosciences, lectureships geology, proportionaltely organisation of biogeoscientific field course. 


    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room 111B

    Telephone: 03641 / 948644


    ResearchgateExternal link

    Teaching (in german language)

    WS: introduction to geosciences field trip, introduction to remote sensing/GIS, proportionately soft rocks, well site geology and geophysics.

    SS: mapping for biogeosciences, geological mapping course for biogeosciences, earth history field trip for M.Sc. Geography, proportionately introduction to applied geology, biogeoscientific field course.



    • Dust as environmental signal from geogenic and anthropogenic sources
    • magnetic susceptibility of recent fluvial sediments and their catchment rocks in Germany and surrounding areas
    • geochemistry of catchment rocks and recent fluvial sediments in the catchment of river Thüringische Saale
  • Pukallus, Caroline
    Caroline Pukallus
    Caroline Pukallus
    Image: Caroline Pukallus

    Caroline Pukallus

    Telephone: 48667

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room: H305


    Project affiliation: BMBF-Projekt MykoBEst

    Field of research: Dendroanalysis






    • Since February 2024
      • PhD student at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Institute of Geosciences
        Chair of Applied Geology


    • October 2021 – March 2024
      • Master program: Environmental and Georesources Management (M. Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Master’s thesis at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena: 
        Monitoring of soil enzymes involved in C, N and P cycle and their response to different forest management practices
    • October 2017 – March 2021
      • Bachelor program: Environmental engineering (B. Sc.)
        Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena – University of Applied Sciences
        Bachelor's thesis at Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS Hermsdorf: Synthesis and characterization of palladium-based membranes for the separation of hydrogen from gas mixtures
  • Riefenstahl, Markus
    Markus Riefenstahl
    Markus Riefenstahl
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Markus Riefenstahl

    M. Sc. Biologie

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room D305

    Telephone: 03641 / 948667



    Field of activity: Phytoremediation, Bio-Geo-Interactions

    Project affiliation: BMBF-Projekt MykoBEst, Phytoremediation experiments with fast-growing tree species


    • since 2013
      • PhD candidate
        Institute of Geosciences, Working group Applied Geology
    • since 2012
      • Scientific assistant
        Institute of Geosciences, FSU in Jena
    • 2003–2012
      • Bachelor + Master program: Biology, Geography und Geology (B.Sc. + M.Sc.)
        Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
        Masterthesis: Studies on the effect of microbial factors and Ethanolamin on growth parameters and heavy metal tolerance in plants
  • Ude, Michael
    Michael Ude
    Michael Ude
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

    Michael Ude

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room 213

    Telephone: 03641 / 948721


  • Van Overloop, Léon
    Van Overloop, Léon
    Van Overloop, Léon
    Image: Van Overloop, Léon

    Léon van Overloop

    Phone: 03641 948669


    Office: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room 111A

    Project: EVIDENT

    Professional experience:

    July 2022 – November 2023

    Technical assistant at the Chair of Hydrogeology, Institute of Geosciences, Friedrich Schiller University Jena


    • Since December 2023
      • PhD student at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
        Institute for Geosciences
        Chair of Applied Geology


    • October 2019 – July 2022
      Master program: Biogeosciences (M.Sc.)
      Friedrich Schiller University Jena
      Master's thesis: Dynamic relocation experiments using the example of agricultural loess soils
    • October 2016 – September 2019
      • Bachelor program: Biogeosciences (B.Sc.)
        Friedrich Schiller University Jena
        Bachelor thesis: Investigation of the temperature dependence of the reactive transport of PEG polymer colloids in a circulation column experiment
    • October 2013 – June 2016
      • Training: State-certified chemical-technical assistant
        Justus-von-Liebig School Hanover
  • Weinzierl, Gerit
    Weinzierl, Gerit
    Weinzierl, Gerit
    Image: Weinzierl, Gerit

    Gerit Weinzierl

    Address: Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Room L003

    Telephone: 03641 / 948653


Former team members