Structure and formation of the Earth

Available Lectures: 1
Lecture series: Introduction to Earth Sciences
Structure and formation of the Earth

Uwe Walzer

Elastostatics, elastodynamics, seismic P- and S-waves, traveltime
curves, shell structure of the Earth, continental lithosphere, oceanic
lithosphere, convection in the Earth. Seismometers, seismograms, focal
mechanisms and tectonics, the main features of plate boundaries, plate
tectonics. Divergent plate margins, hot spots, convergent plate
margins, exploration of the Alps with deep seismics and gravimetry,
kinematics of the formation of the Alps. Lateral deviations from
Earth's shell structure, abundance distribution of chemical elements,
chemical shell structure of Earth, internal structure of terrestrial

How did all this come into being? Cosmology, galaxies, stars,
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, evolution of stars, supernovae,
nucleosynthesis, interstellar dust, our galaxy, chemical evolution,
planetary and satellite systems, Titius-Bode rule, atmospheres,
special features of Earth, evolution of Earth's moon and tides,
volcanism on terrestrial planets, surface features of Venus and their
interpretation; the geoid of Mars, Earth and Venus, Phobos and Deimos,
asteroids, comets.

Suitable for: Students of geophysics, geology, mineralogy, physics,
etc. at undergraduate level

Credit: Written exam

Lecture series: Introduction to Earth Sciences.