Geodynamics, Mantle Convection

Geodynamics, Mantle Convection

U. Walzer, R. Hendel. Natural climate change and glaciations. Earth-Science Reviews, 104435, 2023. link [Abstract]pdf, 49 kb · de  [Reprint]

U. Walzer, R. Hendel. Mantle evolution and continental growth events. Earth-Science Reviews, 104130, 2022. link [Abstract]pdf, 35 kb · de [Reprint]

U. Walzer, R. Hendel. Continental crust formation: Numerical modelling of chemical evolution and geological implications. Lithos, 278-281 (2017) 215-228, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2016.12.014, 2017.  [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 2 mb

There are three electronic appendices of this 2017 Lithos paper available using

Appendix A.  Balance equations. Pages 1-5. [Reprint-PDF]

Appendix B.  Supplementary sections and data. Pages 1-28. [Reprint-PDF]

Appendix C.  Geochemical considerations regarding the assumed abundances of U, Th, and K in the mantle. Pages 1-12. [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 132 kb · de

U. Walzer, R. Hendel.Real episodic growth of continental crust or artefact of preservation? A 3-D geodynamic model. J. Geophys. Res., 118, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50150, 2013. [Abstract]   de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 3 mb

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. Geodynamic Mantle Modeling and its Relation to Origin and Preservation of Life. In W.E. Nagel et al. (eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '13,DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-02165-2_42, pages 591- 617, Berlin, 2013. [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 3 mb


U. Walzer, R. Hendel, C. Köstler, M. Müller, J. Kley, L. Viereck-Götte. A Forward Model of Mantle Convection with Evolving Continents and a Model of the Andean Subduction Orogen. In: W.E. Nagel et al. (eds.), High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '12, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-33374-3_35, pages 473-501, Berlin, 2013. [Abstract]  de
[Reprint-PDF]pdf, 2 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel. A Geodynamic Model of the Evolution of the Earth's Chemical Mantle Reservoirs. In W. E. Nagel, D. B. Kröner, and M. M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '10 (HLRS), pages 573-592. Berlin, 2011. [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 3 mb

U. Walzer, T. Burghardt, R. Hendel, J. Kley. Towards a dynamical model of Mars' evolution. In W. E. Nagel, D. B. Kröner, and M. M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '09 (HLRS), pages 485-510. Berlin, 2010. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1 mb

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. Mantle convection and evolution with growing continents. J. Geophys. Res., 113, B09405, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005459, 2008. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 7 mb

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. Predictability of Rayleigh-number and continental-growth evolution of a dynamic model of the Earth's mantle. In S. Wagner, M. Steinmetz, A. Bode, and M. Brehm, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. Garching/Munich 2007, pages 585-600. Berlin, 2009. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 2 mb

K.-D. Gottschaldt, U. Walzer, D. R. Stegman, J. R. Baumgardner, and H.-B. Mühlhaus. Mantle Dynamics - A Case Study. In Huilin Xing, ed. Advances in Geocomputing, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 119, pp. 139-181, Springer, 2009. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 4 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, C. Köstler, and J. Kley. Andean orogeny and plate generation. In W. E. Nagel, D. B. Kröner, and M. M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. Stuttgart 2008, pages 559-583. Berlin, 2008. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 8 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Whole-mantle convection, continent generation, and preservation of geochemical heterogeneity. In W. E. Nagel, D. Kröner, and M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '07, pages 603-645. Berlin, 2008. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 3 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Continental growth and thermal convection in the Earth's mantle. In W. E. Nagel, W. Jäger, and M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '06, pages 473-497. Berlin, 2007. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 20 mb

K.-D. Gottschaldt, U. Walzer, R. Hendel, D. R. Stegman, J. R. Baumgardner, and H.-B. Mühlhaus. Stirring in 3-d spherical models of convection in the Earth's mantle. Philosophical Magazine, 86: 3175-3204, 2006. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 3 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Plateness of the oceanic lithosphere and the thermal evolution of the Earth's mantle. In W. E. Nagel, W. Jäger, and M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '05, pages 289-304. Berlin, 2006. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 8 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Toward a thermochemical model of the evolution of the Earth's mantle. In E. Krause, W. Jäger, and M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '04, pages 395-454. Berlin, 2005. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 24 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. The effects of a variation of the radial viscosity profile on mantle evolution. Tectonophysics, 384:55-90, 2004a. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 29 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Viscosity stratification and a 3D compressible spherical shell model of mantle evolution. In E. Krause, W. Jäger, and M. Resch, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '03, pages 27-67. Berlin, 2004b. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 13 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Variation of non-dimensional numbers and a thermal evolution model of the Earth's mantle. In E. Krause and W. Jäger, editors, High Perf. Comp. Sci. Engng. '02, pages 89-103. Berlin, 2003a. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 5 mb

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and J. Baumgardner. Generation of plate-tectonic behavior and a new viscosity profile of the Earth's mantle. In D. Wolf, G. Münster, and M. Kremer, editors, NIC Symposium, volume 20 in NIC Series, pages 419-428, Jülich, 2003b. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 9 mb

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. Convection and the formation of the principal reservoirs of the Earth's silicate mantle. EOS, 80, no. 46, F1171, 2000. [Abstract] de

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. A new convection-fractionation model for the evolution of the principal geochemical reservoirs of the Earth's mantle. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 112:211-256, 1999. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 13 mb

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. Time-dependent thermal convection, mantle differentiation, and continental crust growth. Geophys. J. Int., 130:303-325, 1997a. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 3 mb

U. Walzer and R. Hendel. Tectonic episodicity and convective feed-back mechanisms. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 100:167-188, 1997b. [Abstract] de    [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 47 mb

U. Walzer. Remarks on mantle convection and the Earth's evolution. In: Critical Aspects of the Plate Tectonics Theory, Vol.1:247-270, Theophrastus Publ. S.A. Athens, Greece, 1990. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 47 mb

U. Walzer. Untersuchung der Konvektion im Erdinneren und dafür wichtiger Materialparameter unter hohem Druck. Veröff. Zentralinst. Physik d. Erde, 75:1-259, 1981. [Abstract]  de

U. Walzer and R. Maaz. On intermittent lower-mantle convection. In Carey, S.W. (Ed.): Expanding Earth Symposium, Sydney 1981, 329-340, 1983. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 47 mb

U. Walzer, Mitherausgeber und Mitautor von: Critical Aspects of the Plate Tectonics Theory. Vol I and Vol. II, Theophrastus Publ. S.A., Athens, Greece 1990

F. Fröhlich, U. Seipold, H. Vollstädt, and U.Walzer, Complex Studies on Variations of the Secular Behaviour in the Earth's Mantle. Geest & Portig K.-G., Leipzig 1973

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and H. Schmeling, Time-dependent mantle convection with chemical differentiation. Ann. Geophysicae, 12 (1994) Suppl. I, C 80

U. Walzer, R. Hendel, and H. Schmeling,Thermische Konvektion und die chemische Differentiation des Erdmantels, Begleitheft, Workshop Dynamik des Erdinneren, Reinhausen 1994, S. 17

U. Walzer, Remarks on mantle convection and Earth's evolution. In: Critical Aspects of the Plate Tectonics Theory. Vol.1., Theophrastus Publ. S.A. Athens, Greece (1990) 247-270

U. Walzer, Lithospheric strain as a function of time. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 95 (1986) 5, 468

U. Walzer, Zusammenhänge zwischen Geotektonik und Konvektion im Erdmantel und -kern (auf Russisch). Vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu geotektonikoi i konvektsiei v mantii i yadre zemli. In: V.A. Magnitskii (Ed.), Mekhanismy tektonicheskogo razvitiya vostochnoi chasti sredizemnomorkogo poyasa. Nauka, Moskow, 1985

U. Walzer, Untersuchung der Konvektion im Erdinneren und dafür wichtiger Materialparameter unter hohem Druck. Veröff. Zentralinst. Physik d. Erde, Nr, 75 (1981) 1-256

U. Walzer, Innerer Aufbau und Dynamik der erdartigen Planeten. Die Sterne 58 (1982) 1, 1-16

U. Walzer and R. Maaz. On intermittent lower-mantle convection. In Carey, S.W. (Ed.): Expanding Earth Symposium, Sydney 1981, 329-340, 1983.

U. Walzer, On relations between mantle convection and the geodynamo. Preceedings of the Int. Conference on Core Dynamics, Budapest, June 26- July 1, 1978

U. Walzer, On relations between seismicity and mantle convection. Preceedings of the Symposium on the Analysis of Seismicity and on Seismic Risk, Liblice, 17-22 October 1977, 25-35

U. Walzer, Report on mantle convection. Geodät. geophys Veröff. des NKGG der DDR, Berlin, R. III, (1978) 39, 113-114

U. Walzer, Considerations on mantle convection. Z. Geol. Wiss. Berlin 6 (1978) 11, 1301-1318

U. Walzer, On non-steady mantle convection: The case of Bernard problem with viscosity dependent on temperature and pressure. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 87 (1978) 1, 19-28

U. Walzer, Erwägungen über Konvektion im Erdmantel. Geophysik und Geologie, Geophys. Veröff. d. KMU, Leipzig, 3. Serie, 1 (1978) 4, 5-14

U. Walzer, Convection of a micropolar fluid with stretch. Annali di Geofisica, Roma 29 (1976) 4, 181-198

U. Walzer, A theory of non-Newtonian mantle convection. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 86 (1977) 1, 51-61

U. Walzer, Convection of a Cosserat fluid, Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 85 (1976) 2, 137-150

U. Walzer, Remarks on mantle convection. Int. Symposium der KAPG, Eisenach 13.-18.01.1975, Theoretische Forschungsmethoden der Geophysik, Geologie und Astrophysik. Herausgeber: P. Mauersberger, Berlin 1975, 115

U. Walzer and A. V. Vityazev, On the influence of viscous dissipation on gravitational convection. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 84 (1975) 5, 406-416

U. Walzer, Survey of some papers on mantle convection and constitutive equations. Geodät. geophys. Veröff. des NKGG der DDR, R. III, Berlin (1975) 36, 61-62

U. Walzer, Mantle convection with temperature-dependent heat conductivity, specific heat and thermal expansion coefficient. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 85 (1976) 1, 43 -56

U. Walzer, Erfüllt das verallgemainerte Stoffgesetz der Erdkruste die Prizipien der Mechanik? Veröff.Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, Nr. 31, Teil 1 (1975) 107-111

U. Walzer, On mantle convection and constitutive equations for the Earth's mantle and crust. Veröff.Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, Nr. 31, Teil 1 (1975) 95-105

U. Walzer, A generalized constitutive equation of the Earth's crust. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 84 (1975) 1, 43-54

U. Walzer, Übersicht zu Arbeiten über Konvektion im Erdmantel. Veröff. Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, Nr. 21 (1973) 58-62

U. Walzer, A convection mechanism for explaining episodicity of magmatism and orogeny. Pure Appl. Geophysics 112 (1974) I, 106-117

U. Walzer, Convection in a spherical shell under consideration of equations of state for the Earth's mantle. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 82 (1973) 4, 267-281

U. Walzer, Konvektion in einer horizontalen Schicht mit innerer flächenhafter Wärmequelle. Pure Appl. Geophysics 112 (1974) I, 96-105

U. Walzer, The distribution of continents and oceans and its relation to mantle convection. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 81 (1972) 6, 471-480

U. Walzer, Kinamatics of convection currents in the Earth's mantle. In: Fröhlich, F., U. Seipold, H. Vollstädt, and U. Walzer, Complex Studies on Variations of the Secular Behaviour of the Earth's Mantle. Monographs on Terrestrial, Solar, and Cosmic Physics, No. 1, Geest & Portig, Leipzig (1973) 103-145

U. Walzer, Discussion of the new kinematic convection theory. Pure Appl. Geophysics 105 (1973) IV, 696-712

U. Walzer, A quantitative kinematic theory of convection currents in the Earth's mantle. Pure Appl. Geophysics 105 (1973) IV,669-695

U. Walzer, Konvektionsströmungen im Erdmantel, die Kugelfunktionsentwicklung der Topographie und seismische Diskontinuitäten. Vermessungstechnik, Berlin, 18 (1970) 12, 460-462

U. Walzer, Convection currents in the earth's mantle and the spherical harmonic development of the topography of the earth. Pure Appl. Geophysics 87 (1971) IV, 73-92


