Equations of State, High Pressure

Equations of State, High Pressure

U. Walzer. Systematics of binary intermetallic phases. Phys. Status Solidi (b), 168:397-412, 1991. [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1 mb

U. Walzer. Structural Classification of AB-type binary compounds. Phys. Status Solidi (b), 163:61-74, 1991. [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1 mb

U. Walzer. Melting temperature systematics of binary intermetallic compounds. High Temp. - High Pressures, 24:35-44, 1992 [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 18 mb

U. Walzer. Systematization of binary intermetallic compounds. Phys. Status Solidi (b), 162:75-88, 1990. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1 mb

U. Walzer. The application of a pseudopotential approach to the physics of binary intermetallic compounds. High Temp. - High Pressures, 24:23-24, 1992. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 22 mb

U. Walzer. Cohesion in transition metals under high pressures. Preceedings XXV. Annual Meeting of the European High Pressure Research Group. In H. Vollstädt (Ed.), High Pressure Geosciences and Material Synthesis. Akademie-Verlag Berlin, 110-113, 1988. [Key words]  de [External linkReprint-PDF]pdf, 7 mb

U. Walzer. Cohesion in d-state metals at high pressures. Phys. Status Solidi (b), 140:377-391, 1987. [Abstract]External link  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1 mb

U. Walzer. Calculations of Hugoniot pressure and pressure derivative of bulk modulus for transition metals. High Temp. - High Pressures, 19:161-176, 1987. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 7 mb

 U. Walzer. Elastic and bonding properties of transition metals. Phys. Status Solidi (b), 125:55-64, 1984. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1 mb

U. Walzer. Pressure dependence of melting temperature for metals. Exp. Technik d. Physik, 32:281-290, 1984. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 25 mb

U. Walzer. Two equations of state for metals, halides, and oxides. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik, 93:37-52, 1984. [Abstract] de   [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 10 mb

U. Walzer. A new high pressure equation of state for metals. High Temp. - High Pressures, 16:335-346, 1984. [Abstract]  de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 34 mb

U. Walzer. Untersuchung der Konvektion im Erdinneren und dafür wichtiger Materialparameter unter hohem Druck. Veröff. Zentralinst. Physik d. Erde, 75:1-259, 1981. [Abstract] de

U. Walzer. A new equation of state for high compression. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 30:62-83, 1982. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 9 mb

U. Walzer. Patterns in new dimensionless quantities containing melting temperature, and their dependence on pressure. Annali di Geofisica, 33:5-36, Rome, 1980. [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 8 mb

U. Walzer. Volume dependence of melting temperature at high pressure and its relation to a new dimensionless quantity. Exp. Technik d. Physik, 31:33-51, 1983. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 42 mb

W. Ullmann and U. Walzer. The core paradox reconsidered. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 22:204-210, 1980. [Abstract]  de [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 726 kb

W. Ullmann and U. Walzer. Thermal regime of the Earth's outer core. Pure Appl. Geophysics, 119:59-79, 1980/81. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 1022 kb

U. Walzer, W. Ullmann, and V.L. Pan'kov. Comparison of some equation-of-state theories by using experimental high-compression data. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 18:1-12, 1979. [Abstract] de  [Reprint-PDF]pdf, 6 mb  [Independent Evaluation]pdf, 779 kb

Independent Evaluation: P. B. Roy1and S. B. Roy. Applicability of isothermal unrealistic two-parameter
equations of state for solids. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 10481–10508,  doi:10.1088/0953-8984/18/46/015. [Reprint]pdf, 779 kb

U. Walzer, Cohesion in d-state metals at high pressures. Phys. Status Solidi (b) 140 (1987) 377-391

U. Walzer, Calculations of Hugoniot pressure and pressure derivative of the bulk modulus for transition metals. High Temp.-High Pressures 19 (1987) 161-176

U. Walzer, Elastic and bonding proporties of transition metals. Phys. Status Solidi (b) 125 (1984) 55-64

U. Walzer, Pressure dependence of melting temperature for metals. Exp. Technik d. Physik 32 (1984) 4, 281-290

U. Walzer, Two equations of state for metals, halides, and oxides. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 93 (1984) 1, 37-52

U. Walzer, A new high pressure equation of state for metals. High Temp.-High Pressures 16 (1984) 335-346

U. Walzer, Untersuchung der Konvektion im Erdinneren und dafür wichtiger Materialparameter unter hohem Druck. Veröff. Zentralinst. Physik d. Erde, Nr, 75 (1981) 1-256

U. Walzer, Innerer Aufbau und Dynamik der erdartigen Planeten. Die Sterne 58 (1982) 1, 1-16

U. Walzer. A new equation of state for high compression. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 30 (1982) 62-83

U. Walzer. Patterns in new dimensionless quantities containing melting temperature, and their dependence on pressure. Annali di Geofisica, Rome, 33 (1980) 1, 5-36

U. Walzer. Volume dependence of melting temperature at high pressure and its relation to a new dimensionless quantity. Exp. Technik d. Physik, 31 (1983) 1, 33-51

W. Ullmann and U. Walzer. The core paradox reconsidered. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 22 (1980) 204-210

W. Ullmann and U. Walzer. Thermal regime of the Earth's outer core. Pure Appl. Geophysics, 119 (1980/81) 59-79

U. Walzer, W. Ullmann, and V. L. Pan'kov, Ein Vergleich von Theorien der Zustandsgleichungen mit Hilfe von Messwerten. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 87 (1978) 2, 91-104

U. Walzer, W. Ullmann, and V.L. Pan'kov. Comparison of some equation-of-state theories by using experimental high-compression data. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 18 (1979) 1-12

U. Walzer, Erfüllt das verallgemainerte Stoffgesetz der Erdkruste die Prizipien der Mechanik? Veröff.Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, Nr. 31, Teil 1 (1975) 107-111

U. Walzer, On mantle convection and constitutive equations for the Earth's mantle and crust. Veröff.Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, Nr. 31, Teil 1 (1975) 95-105

U. Walzer, A generalized constitutive equation of the Earth's crust. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 84 (1975) 1, 43-54

U. Walzer, Convection in a spherical shell under consideration of equations of state for the Earth's mantle. Gerl. Beitr. Geophysik 82 (1973) 4, 267-281


