Recommended additional modules

Lecture Economic Competence

WS and SS, can be taken independently of each other, 2 SWS each

  • Suitable for bachelor students of higher semesters and for master students.
  • Students should experience a practical connection to the world of work. The business skills lecture improves students' access to internships, makes it easier for graduates to enter the workforce, and provides initial support for graduates with their own business idea to start a company.

More info on the SS can be found herepdf, 806 kb · de.

More info about the content in WS can be found herepdf, 906 kb · de.

Regarding the current dates and rooms in SS please search in the course catalog under the lecture number 82256!

Regarding the current dates and rooms in WS please search in the course catalog under the lecture number 88444!

Regenerative energies in the earth system

Event number 121341


Dr. Axel Kleidon


1 SWS, 2 credit points

Time required

14 h attendance hours, 46 h self-study incl. exam preparation
Learning and qualification objectives: Different forms of energy exist in the Earth system, which are theoretically available to mankind. However, the focus of the course is not on the technical aspects of energy production, but rather on teaching the physical and geoscientific fundamentals and how they are linked to other processes in the Earth system. Students are thus enabled to classify renewable forms of energy in terms of their availability and to assess the consequences of their use on the Earth system.


  • Introduction: motivation energy transition; energy consumption of mankind: how much and for what? Development of energy consumption over time
  • Basics: alternative, non-fossil energy forms of the earth; physical basics of energy transformations; connection to processes in the earth system
  • Solar energy: where does the energy come from? What is available where? How can it be used?
  • Wind energy: How is wind generated? How much is generated? What is usable?
  • Other renewable forms of energy: Hydropower, energy from the ocean, biomass, geothermal energy.
  • Conclusion: Non-renewable, alternative forms of energy (nuclear power and nuclear fusion), summary and outlook.
  • Exam

For details on the schedule and rooms, please search the course catalog for event number 121341.

Offers of the Language Center for English

English B2/C1 - All Skills for Natural Sciences

offered in WS, please search in Friedolin for the event number 126203

English B2/C1 - Writing for Natural Sciences

offered in SS, please search in Friedolin for event number 94791


Study methods courses offered by the Central Student Advisory Service

The university offers a wide range of study methods courses. The aim of these courses is to provide you, as a first-year student or as a student in the first two years of study, with study-related experience and techniques. The intensive supervision of a maximum of 15 participants per course by experienced course instructors enables high learning success. The focus of the courses is on trying things out for oneself. The courses have a duration of 10 hours and run over a weekend (Friday 16 - 19 h, Saturday 09 - 16 h). They are deliberately scheduled in such a way that your schedule is affected as little as possible. Based on the experience of previous semesters, the courses are scheduled so that it is also possible for each individual to attend more than one course. Take advantage of this opportunity, because the evaluation of the courses in previous semesters has shown that the informal learning atmosphere in the courses has led to considerable learning success.

Further information can be foundhere.External link