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Interested students Bachelor

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Image: Sebastian Pietschmann

How can I get information?

There are many ways to get to know the Friedrich Schiller University, find the right field of study and learn everything about our Bachelor (B.Sc.) Biogeosciences program:

University Information Day de

Study orientationExternal link

Trial study


Digital scavenger hunt

Student Advisory Service

Study introduction days

Social media


Study information portals

studieren.deExternal link

Studis onlineExternal link

HochschulkompassExternal link

studienwahl.deExternal link

Flyer BioGeo

Image: IGW

The most important at a glance

You can also get sufficient information in our Flyer Bachelor Biogeosciencespdf, 516 kb · de. We have summarized the most important information for you here.

Would you like detailed information on the curriculum and module catalog?

Then inform yourself here de

Symbolbild Studicheck

Image: StudiCheck.de

How do our students rate us?

Find out everything about the Bachelor of Biogeosciences program in a nutshell and read what our students have to say. The categories equipment, study content and lecturers were rated particularly well.

this is what our students sayExternal link



Special features of the bachelor's degree program in biogeosciences in Jena

  • Integrative networking of biosciences and geosciences in courses created specifically for the program (Bio-Geo Interactions).
  • A wide range of electives in the so-called elective modules in the 5th semester, which can also be completed in the form of study abroad.
  • 6-week professional internship towards the end of the program gives an insight into typical professional fields and provides initial contacts with the professional world.
  • Students benefit from the close cooperation with numerous internationally renowned research institutions located in Jena.
  • Teaching cooperation with the Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena (EAH) enables the attendance and recognition of selected (professional) modules at the EAH Jena. Further information is available hereExternal link

Professional fields

Graduates bring comprehensive subject-specific scientific and methodological skills. In addition, they have the communicative skills to present science to the public and to sensitize society to environmental pollution. Through the possibility of a semester abroad, they gain important intercultural skills. 

Jena biogeoscientists are excellently equipped for work in a wide range of professional fields, such as nature conservation, remediation of contaminated sites, and environmental education. In addition, master's graduates can pursue doctoral studies in Germany and abroad, especially in the fields of geosciences, biology and chemistry.

  • Engineering offices for subsoil investigations, hydrogeology, remediation of contaminated sites
  • Oil and gas industry, raw material supply
  • Research coordination
  • Research institutions
  • Public relations, museums, geoparks

Evaluation of the survey of graduates in April 2016

Image: IGW

Application Bachelor Biogeosciences

A start of studies is only possible in the winter semester.

Information on the application procedure and deadlines can be found here