Magnetic Susceptibilty and Temp-Sus-System
Field measurements for mapping near-surface rocks or soils and lab measurements of cores, rock fragments and powders are possible. The physical parameter magnetic susceptibility is usually dominated by the content of magnetite in a rock.
Bartington MS2 susceptibility meter with sensors C, D, D, F for measurements of magnetic volume-specific or with sensor B of mass-specific magnetic susceptibility. Field measurements for mapping near-surface rocks or soils and lab measurements of cores, rock fragments and powders are possible. The physical parameter magnetic susceptibility is usually dominated by the content of magnetite in a rock.
Bartington temperature-susceptibility system with oven MS2WF, water jacketed sensor MS2W and MS2WFP power supply for determination of Curie temperature to characterize ferri- and paramagnetic minerals as e.g. magnetite, hematite, pyrite. Especially the oxygen and titanium content of a melt determine Curie temperatures of a rock.
Sample preparation
Field measurements for mapping near-surface rocks or soils and lab measurements of cores, rock fragments and powders are possible.
Dr. Michael Pirrung (Lab management)