Stay abroad in Ecuador in the 5th and 6th semester of the bachelor program

Lena Carstens

In the 3rd year of my BioGeo Bachelor I was in Ecuador (Quito/Galapagos) for two trimesters and am currently doing my internship in an NGO in the rainforest of Costa Rica. I decided to go to Latin America because I would like to get to know other points of view and cultures, and preferably also work with an international reference.Required I have language skills in Spanish and English. I was able to partially credit the modules I took abroad towards my studies, on the other hand I saw it as an opportunity to expand my studies in the biological/ecological field.A stay at a host university or an internship abroad (maybe less complicated via Erasmus or with PROMOS funding or just one semester) I can highly recommend both for academic but also personal development.

For more info see the link to my blog www.lenaenlatinoamerica.wordpress.comExternal link