Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Kukowski

Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Geophysik

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nina Kukowski

Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Geophysik

Institut für Geowissenschaften IGW
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena,
Burgweg 11                
07749 Jena                                                                               

Tel.: 03641 - 948680
Fax: 03641 - 948662

E-Mail:  nina.kukowski@uni-jena.de


Wissenschaftliche Kurzbiographie 

  • Seit 04/2010                
    Lehrstuhl (W3) für Allgemeine Geophysik an der FSU Jena

  • 05/2006-07/2007        
    ISES Research Fellow an der VU Amsterdam (Niederlande)

  • 2004 und 2006              
    Research Fellow am GNS in Lower Hutt (Neuseeland)

  • 01/1999-03/2010          
    Leitende Wissenschaftlerin am Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam (GFZ)

  • 01/1993-12/1998          
    Hochschulassistentin (C1) am GEOMAR, Kiel

  • 02/1992-12/1992          
    Postdoktorandin am GEOMAR, Kiel

  • 01/1992                       
    Dr. rer. nat. an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

  • 1989                            
    Research Fellow an der Universität Oslo (Norwegen) (DEMINEX Stipendium)

  • 07/1988-01/1992          
    wiss. Mitarbeiterin (Doktorandin) an der TU Clausthal, der Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universität Bonn und GEOMAR, Kiel

  • 06/1988                       
    Diplom in Geophysik an der TU Clausthal

Gremien und Funktionen (Auswahl)

  • Seit 04/2019          
    stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Prüfungsausschüsse der geowissenschaftlichen Studiengänge 

  • Seit 06/2015          
    Vorstandsmitglied des MSCJ

  • Seit 04/2015          
    Gründungsmitglied des Michael-Stifel Zentrums für datengetriebene und Simulationswissenschaften (MSCJ)

  • Seit 2014               
    Vorstandsmitglied des Gesep e.V. (Deutsches Forschungsbohrkonsortium/German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium)

  • Seit 2014               
    Mitglied des FKPE (Forschungskollegium der Physik des Erdkörpers e.V.)

  • Seit 10/2013          
    Mitglied im Rat der chemisch-geowissenschaftlichen Fakultät der FSU Jena

  • Seit 2013               
    Mitglied der Akademie gemeinnütziger Wissenschaften zu Erfurt

  • 2012 - 2014           
    Co-Sprecherin im Projekt INFLUINS (Integrierte Fluiddynamik in Sedimentbecken)

  • 2011                     
    stellvertretende Sprecherin im Projekt INFLUINS (Integrierte Fluiddynamik in Sedimentbecken);
    BMBF-Programm Spitzenforschung und Innovation in den neuen Ländern (ProSIN)

  • Seit Juni 2010         
    Mitglied in den Prüfungsausschüssen der geowissenschaftlichen Studiengänge an der FSU Jena

  • 2008 - 2010           
    Gleichstellungsbeauftragte des GFZ (ehrenamtlich bei Vollzeittätigkeit)

  • Seit 2006               
    Mitglied des Editorial Boardvon "Tectonophysics"

  • 2005 - 2009           
    Mitglied des erweiterten Vorstandes der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft

  • 2003 - 2017            
    Mitglied der Steuergruppe "Mittelgroße Forschungsflotte" der Senatskommission für Ozeanographie

Regelmäßige Gutachtertätigkeiten für internationale Zeitschriften, DFG, BMBF, AvH Stiftung, NSF, Conicyt, SNF u.a.


Mitgliedschaften in Fachvereinigungen

  • DGGV (Geologische Vereinigung)
  • AGU (American Geophysical Union)
  • DGG (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft)
  • GSA (Geological Society of America)
  • EAGE (European Association of Exploration Geoscientists)

Drittmittel-finanzierte Forschung

Vielfältige Einwerbungen von Drittmitteln - sowohl Einzel- als auch Verbundprojekte - bei verschiedenen Projektträgern, z.B. DFG, BMBF, DAAD, Land Thüringen, BGR, internationale Projektträger mit einer Gesamtsumme von mehreren Mill. €


Physikalisch experimentelle und numerische Simulation; Physikalische Eigenschaften von Geomaterialien und deren Analoga; Geothermische Forschungsfragen; marine und terrestrische geophysikalische Akquisition; Bearbeitung und Interpretation geophysikalische Daten; lange Zeitreihen natürlicher thermischer und Deformationssignale; Materialtransfer und Deformation an konvergenten Plattenrändern; Hangstabilitäten und Erdbebenprozesse; Gashydratsysteme; geophysikalische Sedimentbeckenanalyse.

My main research interest is to quantitatively understand geoprocesses and their interrelations with a focus on those processes in which fluid play an important role. Besides geophysical and rock physics data, the marine and onshore acquisition of which, is among the practical work I am undertaking, I use physical experiments and numerical simulation to study e.g. deformation at continental margins or fluid flow in sedimentary basins. Gas hydrate systems and slope stability at convergent margins like Hikurangi or Peru, sediment mobilization processes, and to image structures and flow systems in forearc but also intra-continental basins like in mid-Europe are topics of recent and ongoing projects.

Publikationen (Auswahl)

h-index: 25 (Web of Science)

Siehe auch: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=Be0CXVwAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=sraExterner Link

(Bitte so in den Browser eingeben)


May F, Warsitzka M, Kukowski N (2019) Analogue modelling of leakage processes in unconsolidated sediments. Submitted to IJGHGT

Schulz A, Kukowski N, Großwig S, Hendel R (2019) The influence of rock thermal conductivity and groundwater flow on the freezing process in a freezing shaft - results of transient numerical simulations. Georesources Journal 1-2019, 27 - 36 (https://www.georesources.net/download/GeoResources-Journal-1-2019.pdfExterner Link)

Queitsch M, Schiffler M, Stolz R, Rolf C, Meyer M, Kukowski N (2019) Investigation of 3D magnetization of a dolerite intrusion using airborne full tensor magnetic gradiometry data. Geophysical Journal International 217, 1643 - 1655, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz104Externer Link.

Warsitzka M, Jähne-Klingberg F, Kley J, Kukowski N (2018) The timing of salt structure growth in the Southern Permian Basin and implications for basin dynamics. Basin Research, doi:10.1111/bre.12323

Albert F, Kukowski N, Tassara A, Oncken O (2018) Material transfer at erosive convergent margins: insights from analogue experiments. Tectonophysics 749, 46 - 61, doi:/10.1016/j.tecto.2018.10.019.

Rochlitz R, Queitsch M, Yogeshwar P, Janser S, Günther T, Kukowski N, Stolz R (2018) Capability of low temperature SQUID for transient electromagnetics under anthropogenic noise conditions. Geophysics 83, E371 - E383, doi:10.1190/geo2017-0582.1.

Kunkel C, Aehnelt M, Pudlo D, Kukowski N, Totsche KU, Gaupp R (2018) Subsurface aquifer heterogeneities of Lower Triassic clastic sediments in central Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 209 - 222, doi:/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.06.022-

Warsitzka M, N Kukowski N, Kley J (2018) Salt flow direction and velocity during sub-salt normal faulting and syn-kinematic sedimentation - implications from analytical calculations, Geophysical Journal International213, 115-134, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx552Externer Link

 Pecher IA, Villinger H, Kaul N, Crutchley GJ, Mountjoy J J, Huhn K, Kukowski N, Henrys SA, Rose PS,Coffin RB(2017) A fluid pulse on the Hikurangi subduction margin: Evidence from a heat flux transect across the upper limit of gas hydrate stability. Geophysical Research Letters, 44. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL076368Externer Link

Warsitzka M, Kukowski N, May F (2017) Fluid-overpressure driven sediment mobilisation and its risk for the integrity for CO2storage sites - an analogue modelling approach. Energy Procedia 114, 3291-3304, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1461

Schiffler M, Queitsch M, Stolz R, Meyer H-G, Kukowski N (2017) Application of Hilbert-like transforms for enhanced processing of full tensor magnetic gradient data. Geophysical Prospecting, 65: 68-81. doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12518

Warsitzka M, Kley J, Kukowski N (2017) Dynamics of prolonged salt movement in the Glückstadt Graben (NW Germany) driven by tectonic and sedimentary processes. Int J Earth Sci 105, 1 - 25, doi:10.1007/s00531-016-1306-3

Kobe M, Jahr T, Pöschel W, Kukowski N (2016) Comparing a new laser strainmeter array with an adjacent, parallel running quartz tube strain meter array. Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 034502, doi:10.1063/1.4942433

Kukowski N (2016) Wadati-Benioff Zone. In: Harff J, Meschede M, Petersen S, Thiede J (eds): Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. doi 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_108-1

Kukowski N (2016) Earthquake. In: Harff J, Meschede M, Petersen S, Thiede J (eds): Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. doi 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_106-1

Warsitzka M, Kley J, Kukowski N (2015) Analogue experiments of salt flow and pillow growth due to basement faulting and differential loading. Solid Earth, 6, 9-31, doi:10.5194/se-6-9-2015

Goepel A, Lonschinski M, Viereck L, Büchel G, Kukowski N (2015) Volcano-tectonic structures and CO2-degassing patterns in the Laacher See basin, Germany. Int J Earth Sci 104, 1483 - 1495, doi 10.1007/s00531-014-1133-3 

Schiffler M, Queitsch M, Stolz R, Chwala A, Krech W, Meyer H-G, Kukowski N (2014) Calibration of SQUID vector magnetometers in full tensor gradiometry systems. Geophysical journal International 198, 954 - 964, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu173

Herbozo G, Hübscher C, Kaul N, Wagner M, Pecher I, Kukowski N (2013) Influence of recent depositional and tectonic controls on marine gas hydrates in Trujillo Basin, Peru Margin. Marine Geology 340, 30 - 48, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2013.04.010

Warsitzka M, Kley J, Kukowski N (2013): Salt diapirism driven by differential loading - some insights from analogue modelling. Tectonophysics 591, 83 - 97, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.11.018

Krawczyk CM, Buddensiek ML, Oncken O, Kukowski N (2013) Seismic imaging of sandbox experiments - laboratory hardware setup and first reflection seismic sections. Solid Earth 4, 93 - 104, doi:10.5194/sed-4-1317-2012

Contardo XJ, Kukowski N, Cembrano JM (2011): Material transfer and its influence on the formation of slope basins along the South Central Chilean convergent margin: Insights from scaled sandbox experiments. Tectonophysics 513, 20 - 36, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.09.016

Reiter, K., Kukowski, N., Ratschbacher, L. (2011): The interaction of two indenters in analogue experiments and implications for curved fold-and-thrust belts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 302, 132 - 146, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.002

Loveless, J.P., Pritchard, M.E., Kukowski, N. (2010): Testing mechanisms of subduction zone segmentation and seismogenesis with slip distributions from recent Andean earthquakes. Tectonophysics 495, 15 - 33, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.05.008

Wang, K., Hu, Y., von Huene, R., Kukowski, N.(2010): Great interplate earthquakes as a driver of shallow subduction erosion. Geology 38, 431-434, doi: 10.1130/G30597.1

Pecher, I.A., Henrys, S., Wood, W., Kukowski, N., Fohrmann, M., Kilner, J., Senger, K., Crutchley, G., Gorman, A., Coffin, R., Greinert, J., Faure, K. (2010): Focused fluid expulsion on the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand - Evidence from possible local upwarping of the base of gas hydrate stability. Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.006

Ellis, S., Pecher, I.A., Kukowski, N., Xu, W., Henrys, S., Greinert, J. (2010): Testing proposed mechanisms for seafloor weakening at the top of gas hydrate stability, Rock Garden, New Zealand. Marine Geology, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.008

Kukowski, N., Greinert, J., Henrys, S. (2010): Seafloor morphology and stability above a subducting seamount in the Hikurangi accretionary wedge. Marine Geology 272, 141 - 153, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.06.004

Buddensiek, M., Krawczyk, C.M., Kukowski, N., Oncken, O. (2009): Performance of Piezo-crystal transducers with respect to amplitude and waveform in laboratory seismic application. Geophysics 74, 33 - 45, doi:10.1190/1.3072619

Kukowski, N., Hampel, A., Hoth, S., Bialas, J. (2008): Morphotectonic and morphometric analysis of the Nazca plate and the adjacent offshore Peruvian continental slope - implications for submarine landscape evolution. Marine Geology, 254. 107 - 120, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2008.05.017

Hoth, S., Kukowski, N., Oncken, O. (2008): Distant effects in bivergent orogenic belts - How retro-wedge erosion triggers resource formation in pro-foreland basins. EPSL 273, 28 - 37, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.05.033

Hoth, S., Hoffmann-Rothe, A., Kukowski, N. (2007): Frontal accretion - an internal clock for bivergent wedge deformation and surface uplift. J. Geophys. Res., B06408, doi: 10/1029/2006JB004357

Lohrmann, J., Kukowski, N., Krawczyk, C.M., Oncken, O., Sick, C., Sobiesiak, M., Rietbrock, A. (2006): Subduction channel evolution in brittle forearc wedges - A combined study with scaled sandbox experiments, seismological and reflection seismic data and geological field evidences. In: Oncken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P., Götze, H.-J., Ramos, V., Strecker, M., Wigger, P. (eds) Andean Geodynamics, Frontiers in Geosciences 1, Springer, 237 - 262

Kukowski, N., Oncken, O. (2006): Subduction erosion - is this the "normal" mode of fore-arc material transfer along the Chilean margin? In: Oncken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P., Götze, H.-J., Ramos, V., Strecker, M., Wigger, P. (eds) Andean Geodynamics, Frontiers in Geosciences 1, Springer, 217 - 236

Hoffmann-Rothe, A., Kukowski, N., Dresen,G., Echtler,H., Oncken,O., Klotz,J., Scheuber,E., Kellner, A. (2006): Oblique convergence along the Chilean margin: Partitioning, margin-parallel faulting and force interaction at the plate interface. In: Oncken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P., Götze, H.-J., Ramos, V., Strecker, M., Wigger, P. (eds) Andean Geodynamics, Frontiers in Geosciences 1, Springer, 125 - 146

Atmaoui, N., Kukowski, N., Stöckhert, B., König, D. (2006): Initiation and development of pull-apart basins with riedel shear mechanism: insights from clay scaled experiments. Int Journal Earth Sciences 95, 225 - 238, doi:10.1007/s00531-005-0030-1

Pecher IA, Henrys SA, Ellis S, Chiswell SM, Kukowski N (2005) Erosion of the seafloor at the top of the gas hydrate stability zone on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L24603, doi:10.1029/2005GL024687 

Adam J, Urai J, Wiennecke B, Oncken O, Pfeiffer K, Kukowski N, Lohrmann J, Hoth S, van der Zee W, Schmatz J (2005) Shear zone formation and strain distibution in granular materials - new insights empoying high-resolution optical image correlation. J. Struct. Geol. 27, 283 - 301, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2004.08.008 

Krabbenhöft A, Bialas J, Kopp H, Kukowski N, Hübscher C (2004) Crustal structure of the Peruvian continental margin from wide-angle seismic studies. Geophys. J. Int. 159, 749 - 964, doi:10.1111/j1365-246X.2004.02425.x 

Adam J, Klaeschen J, Kukowski N, Flueh ER (2004): Postglacial sediment flux reorganises Cascadia margin mechanics. Tectonics 23, 3009, doi:10.1029/2002TC001475 

Hampel, A., Adam, J., Kukowski, N. (2004): Response of the tectonically erosive South Peruvian forearc to subduction of the Nazca ridge: analysis of 3D analogue experiments. Tectonics, 23 TC5003, doi: 10.1029/2003TC001585

Hampel, A., Kukowski, N., Bialas, J., Hübscher, C., Heinbockel, R. (2004): Ridge subduction at an erosive margin - the collision zone of the Nazca Ridge in southern Peru, J. Geophys. Res. 109, B02101, doi:10.1029/2003JB002593

Kopp H, Kukowski N (2003): Backstop geometry and accretionary mechanics of the Sunda margin, Tectonics 22/6, 1072, doi: 10.1029/2002TC001420 

Hübscher C, Kukowski N(2003) Complex BSR pattern in the Yaquina basin off Peru. Geo-Marine Letters 23, 91 - 101, doi: 10.1007/s00367-003-0128-z 

Clift PD, Pecher IA, Kukowski N, Hampel A (2003): Tectonic erosion of the Peruvian forearc, Lima Basin, by steady-state subduction and Nazca Ridge collision, Tectonics 22/3, 1023, doi:10.1029/2002TC001386 

Lohrmann J, Kukowski N, Adam J, Oncken O (2003): The impact of analogue material properties on the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics of convergent sand wedges. J. Struct Geol., Vol. 25, 1691 - 1711 

Kukowski, N., Malavieille, J., Gutscher, M.-A., Lallemand, S.E., Reston, T.J. (2002): Mechanical decoupling and basal duplex formation observed in sandbox experiments with application to the Western Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Marine Geology, Vol. 186, 29-42, doi:10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00171-8Externer Link.

Kukowski, N, Schlüter M, Haese RR, Hensen C, Hinkelmann R, Sibuet M, Zabel M (2002): Subsurface fluid flow and material transport. In: Wefer G, Billett, D, Hebbeln D, Jørgensen B, Schlüter M, van Weering T (eds.) Ocean Margins Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 295 - 306.

Pecher IA, Kukowski N, Hübscher C, Greinert J, Bialas J. (2001): The link between bottom simulating reflections and methane flux into the hydrate stability zone - New evidence from Lima Basin, Peru Margin. Earth Planet. Sci. Lettr. 185, 343-354. 

Handy MR, Braun J, Brown M, Kukowski N, Paterson MS, Schmid SM, Stöckhert B, Stüwe K, Thompson AB & E Wosnitza (2001): Rheology and geodynamic modeling: The next step forward. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), Vol.90, 149 - 156

Pecher IA, Kukowski N, Ranero C, von Huene R. (2001) Gas hydrates along the Peru and Middle America Trench system. AGU Monograph Series 124, 257 - 271 (18 Zitationen)

Kukowski N, Schillhorn T, Huhn K, von Rad U, Flueh ER & S Husen (2001): The Makran accretionary wedge: morphotectonic analysis, erosive canyons, and implications for forearc mechanics. Mar. Geol. 173, 1-19. 

Kukowski N, Schillhorn T, Flueh ER, Huhn K (2000): Newly identified strike-slip plate boundary in the northeastern Arabian Sea. - Geology, Vol. 28, 355 - 358.

Kopp C, Frühn J, Flueh ER, Reichert C, Kukowski N, Bialas J, Klaeschen D (2000): Structure of the Makran subduction zone from wide-angle and reflection seismic data. - Tectonophysics, Vol. 329, 171 - 191 

Kukowski, N., Pecher, I.A. (1999): Thermo-hydraulic modelling of the accretionary complex off Peru at 12°S. J. Geodynamics, Vol. 27, 373-402, doi:10.1016/S0264-3707(98)00009-X.

Mann D & N Kukowski (1999): Numerical modelling of focussed fluid transport in the Cascadia accretionary prism. - J. Geodynamics, Vol.27, 359-372.  

Gutscher M-A, Kukowski N, Malavieille J & SE Lallemand (1998): Material transfer in accretionary wedges from analysis of a systematic series of analog experiments. - Journal of Structural Geology, Vol. 20, 407 - 416 

Gutscher M-A, Kukowski N, Malavieille J & SE Lallemand (1998): Episodic imbricate thrusting and underthrusting; analog experiments and mechanical analysis applied to the Alaskan accretionary wedge. - J. Geophys. Res., Vol.103, 10161 - 10176 

Flueh ER, Fisher MA, Bialas J, Childs JR, Klaeschen D, Kukowski N, Parsons T, Scholl DW, ten Brink U, Tréhu AM & N Vidal (1998): New seismic images of the Cascadia subduction zone from cruise SO108 - ORWELL. - Tectonophysics, Vol. 293, 69 - 84. 

Flueh ER, Fisher MA, Scholl DW, Parsons T, ten Brink U, Klaeschen D, Kukowski N, Tréhu AM, Childs JR, Bialas J & N Vidal (1997): Scientific teams analyze earthquake hazards of the Cascadia subduction zone, - EOS, Vol. 78, 153 - 157

Huene R von, Reston TJ, Kukowski N, Dehghani GA, Weinrebe W & IMERSE Working Group (1997): A subducting seamount beneath the Mediterranean Ridge. - Tectonophysics, Vol. 271, 249 - 261

Huene R von, Corvalán J, Flueh ER, Hinz K, Korstgard J, Ranero CR, Weinrebe W & the CONDOR Scientists (1997): CONDOR, a study of the Nazca plate and adjacent Andean margin off Valparaiso, Chile. - Tectonics, Vol. 16, 474 - 488

Gutscher M-A, Kukowski N, Malavieille J & SE Lallemand (1996): Cyclical behavior of thrust wedges: insights from high basal friction sandbox experiments. - Geology, Vol. 24, 135 - 138. 

Kukowski N, Huene R von, Malavieille J & SE Lallemand (1994): Sediment accretion against a buttress beneath the Peruvian continental margin as simulated with sandbox modeling. - Geol. Rundschau, Vol. 83, 822-831. 

Kukowski N(1994): Plutonic hydrothermal systems: quantification of the magmatic event and subsequent spatial and temporal distribution of fluid circulation. In: Seltmann R, Kämpf H & P Möller (eds) Metallogeny of Collisional Orogens, Czech Geological Survey, Prague, 336 - 341.

Kukowski N& HJ Neugebauer (1994): Mathematical modelling of granite emplacement and shapes on the basis of the gravimetric, petrographic, and structural data of the granites of the Fichtelgebirge, Bavaria, Germany. - in: Haslam, H.W. & J.A. Plant (eds), Granites, Metallogeny, Lineaments, and Fluid-Rock Interactions. Research Report, SP/94/1, British Geological Survey, 64 - 72.

Kukowski N& HJ Neugebauer (1993): On the efficiency of hydrothermal systems. In: Möller, P. & V. Lüders (eds). Formation of Hydrothermal Vein Deposits. Monograph Series on Mineral Deposits, Vol. 30, 77-86.

Kukowski N& HJ Neugebauer (1990): On the ascent and emplacement of granitoid magma bodies - dynamic-thermal numerical models. - Geol. Rundschau, Vol.79,227 - 239.